3: A What?

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Elsa's P.O.V

We half dragged half carried this thing across our secluded building and at one point I was sure that both of our faces were green. This thing reeked! When we got to our next class, it was very unsettling to find that the professor was not there. So we waited about 10 minutes before Frosty finally spoke.

"Hey, Snow? Maybe we could try our next teacher? This ones obviously not here, and we have to learn to be more independent and work as a team." He looks at me, asking gently. I look at him , to the door, to the decaying blob, and back at him.

"Sure, but I refuse to carry this again." I say, totally disgusted. It will only get in our way.

He looked completely relieved that I obviously felt the same way. I am not dragging that grotesque monstrosity around!

Anyways, as we were about to walk out, Frost Bite stopped me.

"Hey, we don't have any weapons. Maybe we should leave prepared?" He asks. It is true. We had almost nothing but clothes on us.

After grabbing weapons, we head out, him with long, smooth strides, and me with short and choppy fast walking, trying to keep up.

When we finally get to our next class, we find that all of the lights are off and the door is locked. Frost and I look at each other, confusion clear on our faces as a blue ball on top of thousands of yellow ones.

"Strange. Where do you think the teachers could be?" I ask quietly. I don't think I noticed before, but the halls were empty and quiet too. All of the classes we passed seemed to be empty or dark. Both actually.

"Here," Frosty says, looking at me. He then starts reaching out towards my face, so I back away with a glare. He glares right back and reaches again. This time, I let him.

Looking relieved, he takes my head in his hands and grabs one of the bobby pins it there. They are sharp, almost like knives, in case I ever don't have weapons on me. Frosty starts unfolding it with ease, his muscles moving along. Then he inserts the makeshift key and starts juggling and twisting it. When finally it clicks, he grasps the handle and turns it.

Walking in, I pull out two knives. Frosty takes one of his long swords out and a heavy looking tool with an iron handle and big iron ball as the head. He looked frightening to be honest. What with his deep, brooding, and serious face, and the way his muscles flexed and twitches with every move he made.

We look around slowly, cautiously, exploring every corner and crevice closely and silently. I am slightly worried that another one of those black monstrous things will pop out again, so I stay fairly close to Frost.

We are still looking around when a shadow quickly passes by the door. Both of us turn to look, but to our dismay, we are too late.

Something slams the door quickly, locking it in the process.

Oh no. I want to scream and flail my arms to protect myself right now, but I know that I have to stay strong and fierce, as to not die here and now.

So Frosty and I quickly share a knowing glance and back up into the corner, backs against each other's and looking around cautiously. This is starting to get pretty intense for our first day.

While we are walking, I couldn't help but notice just how strong and muscular Frost Bite's body was. Seriously, I knew he was a good fighter and lean and stuff, but come on! Who would have guessed. Does that make me weird? I mean, I have never really talked to a guy at the Academy, besides my professors. I just don't really know how to react in this situation.

When we near another corner, I halt abruptly, confusing Frost in the process. Right there, in the center of the corner is a dark figure. It was tall, very tall, and was a blacker silhouette in an already dark room.

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