Eventful Day

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~Y/n's POV~

"Diego, there are whole continents moving faster than you. Let's go! We gotta catch up with the others!" I heard Manny yell behind me at Diego, who looked sacred? What was there to be scared of? I slow down my pace to be side by side with Diego.

"Hey. You ok?" I ask concern lacing my voice, Diego looks at me surprised I was now beside him.

"Oh, yeah, yeah i'm fine. Don't worry." he gave me a half-hearted smile but I wasn't convinced, I decided to let it slide for now.

"Okay, whatever you say." I watch as Diego clearly tries to avoid the water. He was clearly afraid of water. We then hear two voices of laughter and 'woohooing' and it was the possums, I smiled seeing them have fun at first they were irritating but they're no different from my inner cub. I try to conceal that side of me when around others, I don't want them to see me as immature or childish, but sometimes it is hard to contain.

"Hey! Knock it off!" Diego shouts to the Crash and Eddie.

"Oh, cry me a river, blubber-tooth tiger. Have some fun." I laughed at the name they used for Diego, which earned a glare from the tiger himself. I just shrugged and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Can't you see the ice is thin enough without you two wearing it down?" I rolled my eyes at Diego.

"Oh, Diego, come on, the ice may be thin, but it's strong enough to hold a ten-ton mammoth and a nine-ton possum."

"Sid has a point Diego, lighten up a little." I nudge Diego before continuing to walk next to Sid, I do enjoy Sid as company sometimes I mean he isn't that bad, he's also easiest to be a little childish around without the others questioning me. We continue walking across the ice until I watch as Manny stops twice as if he had heard something. The silence is broken from Crash and Eddie chasing each other being brothers and having fun not caring what we all think. Suddenly, the ice breaks from behind the two causing them to fly off and a huge, turquoise sea creature comes flying out the broken ice.

(Hey guys I've decided to put the battle in a video if you want to watch it, I'd just rather get on with the main parts of the story. During this your character was with Diego on the ice trying to get him to move and helping Sid onto the ice, that's when Sid decided to bite his tail and you all ran away to safety. Enjoy the rest of the story and I'm sorry it took a while for updates.)

Once m, Diego and Sid made it safely we watched as Manny was fighting off one of the creatures, I saw his gaze switch to Ellie who was watching him anticipation and smirked when I saw him throw the creature away, making his way towards us.

"What in the animal kingdom was that?" Sid exclaimed.

"I don't know, but from now on, land, safe... water, not safe." I felt bad for Diego I know what it's like to have a fear. We turned to walk away and I walked beside Manny with a smirk. 

"What? Why you smirking?"

"Oh nothing my dear brother, just the show you put on to impress a possum." 

"Hey! I did not try to impress Ellie, I was trying to stay alive."

"Ah yes, but I never said which possum did I?" I smirked when Manny just glared at me staying silent because he knew I was right, just didn't want to admit it. We made it to Ellie and the possums.

"That was the bravest thing I've ever seen." I looked up at my brother.

"It was nothing, really. I, uh..." my smirk grew wider at Manny's reaction to Ellie's statement.

Ice Age : Meltdown (Diego x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum