Chapter 5

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When I walked into the school, I went to see what room I would be staying in. It looks like I'm in room.... 205? OK. I was searching for about ten minutes then I found it. I walked in and there was my ex boyfriend from my other life in there. His name was Jason. He wasn't alone. There was another girl in there. Apperantly there are together. Anyway, when I looked around I asked if I was in the right room. Anneliese, his girlfriend, said no you scum bucket. Then Jason asked what my name was and I said Ab- I mean Chanel. My name is Chanel. That's a pretty name, and yeah, this is your room. Which one of you guys is my room mate. *Anneliese just walked out.* let me guess its you right? I said confused. Yeah... Well its nice to meet you Jason. How do you know my name is Jason? Oh... Um... You look like one. "I get that a lot, haha. Your really pretty Chanel. Do I know you from somewhere? I feel like we've hung out before." Uh.. I don't think so. Oh well, I hope we become really good friends, since we will be living together for the next year and a half. Yeah. I said while thinking. *thinking* wait, did he just say living together? YAY! bye, bye number 56.

Hey, Chanel..? Yes....? What are you doing tonight? Umm nothing I guess, I have no friends, and I don't have to start my classes till next week. Well, why don't you come to dinner with me and tell me all the classes you will be taking? Are you asking me on a date? Maybe.. *he winks* Yes I'll go, *chuckling* you have a really pretty laugh, you laugh like my ex girlfriend Abigal.
Oh really, what was she like. She was really pretty like you, we were together for the longest time. She kept me on my toes. She was funny, sweet, beautiful, and the most caring person I've ever met.

Wow, she sounds amazing. What happened between you two?
Oh, well she started drifting away from me to another guy, I got mad at her and told her that we were through. Then she went sky diving and she.... *he starts crying* " Hey its okay, you don't have to finish. I'm sorry, but it will be okay, I promise." You really remind me of Abigal. I do? Yeah.

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