Chapter 3

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I wake up in a huge luxiourious mansion. I get up, and go to the bathroom. Obviously, I haven't peed in one and a half days! Once I'm freshened up, I look in the mirror. Surprised to see my new look. " IM HOT! " I screamed. Laughing at what I said I went into the kitchen to make breakfast. I opened the fridge and there was nothing but $5,000,000,000 dollars and my bucket list in there. I was really happy. I had forgotten about the deal. So I looked at the list.

The list

12. Have my first kiss
43. Star in a TV series that lasts one month
55. Leave home
56. Move in with a boy
66. Have a party
85. Own a car
86. Own my own house
87. Get a make over
88. Go to collage
89. Get a new phone
90. Become a model
91. Be a writer
92. Start a career as an artist
93. Paint my house
94. Smell like vanilla naturally
95. Control the weather
96. Go on a date with Connor Franta ( he is bae )
97. Buy a cruise ship
98. Get married
100. Have kids

My list is crazy right? I know what your thinking, how is she supposed to do all of this in one year, am I right? Well I can cross off number 55, 85, 86, 87, and 89. I only have sixteen more left. Not so hard.

The Day I Lost My LifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ