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I arrived on time for work today and opened Changkyun's office room.

"Good morning." He said.

I gave him a smile.  

"Good morning Changkyun." I said and sat down on the desk.

He stretched his arms.

"Ok, let's go in fifteen minutes." Changkyun said.

"To where?" I asked.

"To Jeju Doe." He answered.

"Kay." I said and stud up on the chair.

"We have an hour to get ready but the drive is long." He said.

"Ok, so can I pack ahead time? You said three days in Jeju Doe?" I asked.

"Actually four days." Changkyun said.

"Can I bring my extra shirts and pants then." I asked.

"Yes, I'll pack as well." He said and started to exit the building with me.

He walked to the garage and got his keys for his car.

"Kay, ready?" Changkyun asked.

"Hm." I hummed.

In a short minute, I saw my apartment room.

"I'll be right back. Don't you need to pack too?" I asked.

"Nope, I got all my stuff in my suitcase." He said.

"Good for you." I mumbled.

I hopped out of Changkyun's car and ran up the staircase and brought two jackets, my wallet, my makeup, makeup remover, hair brush, hair ties, bras, phone, phone charger, extra pair of shirts and face wash and heels. (Yes, I am a girl indeed.)

"All good?" Changkyun asked as I hopped in the car.

"Hm." I hummed.

"Let's go."

We headed towards Changkyun's car and he started his car again and I hopped in his car.

"So, how long is this drive?" I asked.

"It's like forty minutes." He said and turned right.

"Ok." I said and faced the window.

Twenty minutes in the car, I remembered the question that I asked Changkyun.

"Do you like me?" I asked.

It was like a forced confession that he wasn't expecting.

Changkyun was silent.

"And be honest with me."

"Yes," he said slowly, "because you're good at your job."

"But in general. I mean you made a hickey on my neck, but what was the purpose of that?" I asked.

Changkyun inhaled a long breath.

"I was a popular kid in high school. All the girls tried to date me or confess love to me, but I said no. But this one girl, she was quite and always studied hard so she could move on from high school. I think that was you." He said and glanced at me.

I frowned.

"I think I did go to the same high school as you but, I never saw you." I said.


"Oh well, that was in the past now."

"But I saw you." He said.

I looked at him.


"I saw once on the school board there was a new student. And your name was there. Park Sohyun." Changkyun said.

"Ah. Well, let's go to Jeju Doe first." I said.


Jealousy | (Sony Music Im Changkyun)✔️Where stories live. Discover now