Chapter 7

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"Do I need to repeat myself? Who said that?!" Bighorn almost yelled.

No response.

"Who. Said. That."

"Me." Said Bamboo.

"And I thought RainWings would be accepting. Clearly I was wrong." Bighorn scoffed. He turned around to face Mirage. "You okay?" 

"Uh, yeah. Just a little confused." Mirage responded. "Okay... tell me if she does that again."  

He likes you.

What do you mean?

He cares about you. Unrelated, I found information on how you can talk to me

Okay, explain.

That information if just for me.


Silence. No response.


Mirage heard a faint buzzing sound.


Sorry, I zoned out.


What were we talking about?


It's the only word that fits the way we are discussing.

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