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[Third person pov]

Olivia and Timothée were in front of her apartment when things started kinda going downhill.

Olivia reached in her purse trying to find the keys of her appointment but she couldn't find them.

"Shit"-She whispered while she was digging in her bag.

"What's wrong?"

"Can't find my keys-..oh here they are"-She chuckled and was about to unlock the door but the keys slipped out of her hand.

She leaned down to pick them up but so did Timothée. Their hands touched what made both of them blush.

She took the keys so she can finally open the door but it was already unlocked.

That made her confused but she just opened the door and let Timothée in.

"Olivia you're home!"-millie yelled as she ran to corridor but when she saw who's with him she stoped. "Hello"

"Umm hello"-Timothée awkwardly chuckled.

"Sorry I forgot about my friends.."-Olivia whispered

"That's okay I don't mind"-he smiled


"I wasn't expecting to see you in Olivia's house"-zendaya sat in other corners of the room and looked at Timothée with no emotion.


"So are you two...friends?"-Millie jumped in the conversation.

"Yeah I could say that"-Timothée was little uncomfortable and didn't knew what to say.

"Alright let's just watch a movie"-Olivia had enough of this awkwardness.

She took the Tv remote and decided to go through Netflix.

"Let's watch something where Timothée's in"-Millie thought that that was amazing idea. Olivia gave her death stare cause she knew what she and zendaya was doing.

"Can we not"-Timothée let out another awkward chuckle and fidgeted with his hands.

"Omg yes let's watch 'call me by your name' "-Zendaya took the remote from Olivia's hands.

"Zendaya stop!"- Olivia tried to stop cause they were basically humiliating Timothée.

"It's fine"-He whispered and they gave up.


They were halfway in the movie and Olivia really loved it but she felt uncomfortable watching it since she knew it must be awkward to Timothée. Millie and zendaya would constantly ask questions.

Timothée looked at the clock ans said that he had to go home.

"Already?"-Millie made sad tone.

"Yeah I have some work to do"-he stood up.

"Oh yeah of course. You're Oscar winning actor right"- zendaya laughed

"I didn't win actually"-He walked to pick up his coat.

"What a shame"-Millie said and they both laughed. Olivia gave them another death stare and went to Timothée.

"I'm very sorry I don't know why they are like this"- Olivia apologised.

"No it's fine don't worry...so see you later"-He hugged Olivia and smiled.

She smiled in return and he left.

As the door closed Olivia entered the room and was ready to go off.

"What the fuck?!"

"Woah what?"

"What's wrong with you two?! You were basically humiliating him!"

"He hurt you"-Millie said

"Yes he did but that's in the past. Dont you two see that I'm trying to give him a chance. He is trying to be better"

"People doesn't change liv"

"Just don't talk to me"-Olivia walked to her room and slammed the door.


Btw I'm not trying to make Zendaya and Millie a bad persons,I love them both very much but I needed some drama :)

[Edited 4/01/22]

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