01. Three Sides to a Story

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"Tangtang, it's me."

"Yu egg! Are you coming home tonight?"

"Uh, about that..."

Xiaotang's face fell.

"You're not coming home?"

There was silence on the other line. Xiaotang exhaled a deep sigh.

"Again?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm so sorry, baobei. The photoshoot is taking longer than I expected. I think I'll be home by four, though."

"Okay. Do you want me to wait up?"

"No, no, baobei. You get your sleep. I'll slide in myself."

"Awn, okay. No huggies?"

"I'll give you plenty of them plus kissies when I get home. I promise."

Despite the heaviness in her heart, Xiaotang's face broke into a small smile.

"Are you bribing me, Yu Shuxin?" the smile was evident in her voice.

"Maybe," came the playful voice on the other line.

"Alright, alright baobei. You get back to work. I'll put the dinner in the fridge."


There was a moment of silence. Xiaotang swallowed a lump in her throat.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you, too," came the automatic reply from the other line.

"So, see you in the morning?"

"Yeah. Good night, Tangtang!"

Before Xiaotang could reply, Shuxin quickly hung up. Xiaotang looked at the call log on her phone and sighed. She glanced at the dinner table. The food was getting cold. Shaking her head, Xiaotang gathered up the Tupperware in the cabinet and packed the food to refrigerate.

It's been two weeks in a row. And you're not home.

Xiaotang closed the refrigerator door and looked around. The house was dark and empty, void of the sunshine girl who lit it up in life. Xiaotang sighed again. She was slowly getting used to Shuxin's missing presence.

Shuxin, why aren't you home?

Xiaotang wondered where it all went wrong. Three months ago, she went away on a long business trip and had to leave Shuxin behind. Ever since she came back, Shuxin changed. She was frequently out at night, blaming magazine shoots and her hectic schedule, and home all morning. Xiaotang couldn't protest to that. She married Shuxin knowing this would happen as Shuxin was very much into expanding her high-end magazine to the global market.

But two weeks in a row was a starting to sound off. After all, the editor in chief can't always be there at a magazine shoot at one in the morning, right?

What's even worse, when Shuxin came back in the morning, she wouldn't let Xiaotang get touchy with her. Xiaotang doesn't remember the last time they did it. Even worse, she doesn't remember the last time Shuxin hugged her or kissed her properly. Yes, Shuxin promised her "huggies" and "kissies" over the phone, but when morning came, Xiaotang got none. Shuxin always told her she was tired and slept all day. Xiaotang rubbed her face and sighed frustratedly.

Shuxin, are you falling out of love with me?


Yu Shuxin looked around as soon as she hung up the call. Xukun wasn't back in the bedroom yet. She put down her phone and stretched herself lazily on the bed, waiting for her boy toy to finish taking his shower.

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