"I really really like you, Wang Yibo. I really do. I don't care what other people will say. I want you and I don't want anyone else. If not you, I wouldn't like anyone else."
He uttered breathlessly. Yibo smiled, his eyes are watery. Zhan also felt tears forming his eyes, joy overflowing in his heart.

Yibo closely inches forward, closing the gap of their lips. Zhan smiled, waiting for his lips to come when suddenly his phone rang.

They turned their heads to the sound.

"Answer it first." Yibo chuckled.
Xiao Zhan clicked his tongue in annoyance and took his phone. It's Zhoucheng!

"Hello, Cheng-"

"Where are you?! Why didn't you call me? What are you doing right now?"

Zhan didn't even finish his sentence when Zhoucheng interrupted him.

"A-Cheng, I told you not to disturb them. Just let them be."
Another voice was heard from the background.

"Shut up, Kuan. I'm talking to Xiao Zhan."

"A-Cheng, why did you call?"
Zhan finally asked.

"How was it? Did you catch up with Wang Yibo? Why didn't you call me?"

Zhan laughed. He's like a mother being paranoid that his son might elope with a man.

"I did. But he does not look like he's going somewhere today. Are you sure he's flying to Korea tonight?"
He looked at Wang Yibo, his brows are also frowning.

"Ahhh. That one! It was Haikuan's idea! He told me to threaten you with Yibo's flight. I didn't agree at first but he bought me a hmpp hmpp. Haikuan! Stop it!"

He cussed but laughed.

"Enjoy your time there, Zhan and Yibo. I know you have lots of things to catch up on. Leave Zhoucheng to me. Bye!"
It was Haikuan who ended the call. Zhan shook his head and looked at Yibo.

"Actually, Zhan-ge. I'm really flying to Korea, but not tonight."

"Oh. So that was somewhat true."

"Yeah. Tomorrow, I need to go. I have some things to do there but I'll try to be back as soon as possible."

Zhan's face cast down as he heard him say that. Yibo held his hand, squeezing it.

"That's alright. My baobei is such a busy man, what can I do?"

"What did you call me?"
Yibo tried to suppress his smile.

"Baobei. My Lan Zhan, my Lan-er gege, my soulmate."

Yibo bit his lower lip, but then gave in and smiled widely. His ears are now tinted with red, making Zhan laugh at him.

"Just look at your ears, dd! Hahaha you're obviously blushing!"

Yibo joined in the laughter. They stopped when they heard a mumbled sound.

"Ah, I didn't take my lunch earlier. I forgot to eat because I went straight here."
Zhan admitted. Yibo helped him go down and he lead him to the kitchen.

"Just wait here. I'll cook for you."
Xiao Zhan settled down in his seat, watching Yibo prepare their food. He had his chin rested on his hand, as he watch carefully at Yibo wearing his apron.

Why so sexy, Wang Yibo?

He muttered to himself. He was so amazed how the Spongebob shirt fit Yibo perfectly, and he can't help but grin.

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