As Felix was regaining his balance again, Noelle swiftly moved from where she stood and then launched into the air with her rod. It transformed into a flaming sword in midair. Before Felix could run, she stabbed it in the same hole of his chest, pushing the rest of her dagger through his body. She straddled him again and stuck her hand through his flesh, grasping his beating heart. He loudly gasped and his eyes bucked wide open.

"Now! I won!" she hissed into his ear. "You're going to get me out of here! And if I have to steer this big clunk of metal back to land myself, I will kill you and feed your heart to the hell hounds and make your soul watch!" she threatened him.

She didn't release his heart until he got both of them off the ship and straight to land. Weak, Felix crashed and rolled into the dirt as he landed. Noelle still remained to hold on tight to his heart in her hand, and through his chest until she released him.

He went into a coughing spell, spitting up black blood and holding his stomach. Noelle gritted her teeth and supported herself onto the trunk of a tree. Both of them were beyond hurt to heal on their own. Sick and feeble, she fell to her knees, her wound still burning and bleeding out.

"W-w-w-why him? You know Jaxton's always in it for himself?" he said after forcing himself onto his back.

She didn't answer him. Noelle continued to slowly meet the ground, clutching the dirt in her fists.

"For what purpose does it serve you in putting your life on the line for her?"

"With your kill under my belt, it gives my name more fear," she mumbled. "E'nestrom!" she leaned forward and grabbed Felix, taking him with her.

"Mastromo!" she called out to Carrigan. She could no longer take the pain anymore. A dark shadow raced up to her and then covered Noelle's body. She cried in agony as she felt her muscle tissue regenerate and grow back into place.

Feeling whole again, Noelle flipped onto her feet. Carrigan joined her as they both watched Felix turn into stone as he tried to crawl away from them. Carrigan held up his hand into the air and then made a fist.

"No. Let me put him in the garden," she insisted. Carrigan nodded his head as they turned to face each other.

"Are you alright?" Was the first question he asked.

"Never better. Jaxton has Jaide. Felix put together why she's so important to you and Jaxton took off with her."

"Where's the ex?" he calmly asked.

"He took off."

"Well, there's another down here that Jaide turned before she ran away. Try to utilize him to find her. How did she look?"

Noelle didn't know how to answer him. Instead of saying anything, she gently shook her head back and forth. "It's not good. She's unconscious and her stomach hasn't grown. If Jaxton doesn't see to it that she never wakes up again to have your child, he'll turn her over to the Nephilim's for redemption."

"I can't let that happen," he firmly said.

Carrigan and Noelle gathered up the best hell angels and left Hell. They searched from the wet and dark shadows of the street and every corner, with the help of a man that Jaide had turned. He caught a faint scent of her at an abandoned mansion.

The moon was smothered by the dark blue clouds and the mansion grounds were covered in black mist. Carrigan, Noelle, Jamil and Nova had all made their way down the pathway and up to the front door.

Carrigan isn't the one for knocking. With a flicker of his forefinger, the set of double doors flew open. There was the stench of Jaxton that had escaped. He took them all straight to him.

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