stopping lou

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as dad was climbing and runnig on top of the roof of the gauntlet house and he started running towards the portal

willow: dad stop!

 ox started running on his ears after him 

ox: it was all a lie, dolls don't need you or your training you did it all just to feel powerful

ox stopped lou for stabbing the portal with his ears 

ox: what happened to you, we were like brothers 

lou hit ox with the needle but ox got up and kicked him in the face, lou was trying to stab the portal with the needle but ox kept blocking it with his ears

lou: you a reject, were gonna leave me just like the others

me and everyone were running to stop lou from destorying the portal 

lou: ever wondered why the pretties turned on you

ox: it was you, you tried to have me recycled 

lou: you wanted to leave so bad, i sent you right where you belong 

ox slapped lou in the face with his ears but lou grabbed the needle and stabbed the portal causing it to crack

lou: the only thing i ever did wrong was i should have waited to make sure you were recycled 

suddenly the portal had cracked causing lou and ox the fly in the air 

lucky bat: i need a boost

babo stretched a rubber band 

babo: i got nothing

lou and ox looked at the portal, lou laughed and he grabbed the needle and started walking towards the portal

ox: lou no don't do this!

babo and wage got the rubber band in position 

wage: ready

lucky bat: fire

wage let go of the rubber band and he flew in front of lou and stopped the needle, lou was shocked by this, then lucky bat started hitting lou with the needle and when he hit lou he went flying into babo and wage's arms and they tossed him to the robot dog trapping him

lou: no no no

moxy: good dog 

lou: girls girls are gonna let them take over after everything i've done for you

lydia: so where do you want him boss 

moxy: hmm i haven't decided any suggestions

doll 1: tear the stuffing out of him 

doll 2: shred the lair honey

doll 3: let the dog have him 

doll 4: give him back to the baby

lou was terrified by this 

lou: no please i know i'm not perfect but i derserve a second chance look into your heart, look into your heart

willow: guys stop you can't do this to him

moxy: what why

kitty: yeah you saw what he did to the portal right

willow: yeah but i don't want anything bad to happen to him he's my dad

ox: but willow

willow: please i already lost my mom i don't want to lose my dad, plus he did say i'm the only thing mom left behind, but him down

the robot lowered its head and he let go of lou, and willow hugged lou and lou hugged back

lou: thank you my perfect little girl

willow: i don't ever want to lose you dad ever

lou kissed willow's head and hugged her not wanting to let go 

Ugly dolls Lou's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now