The truth

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I was talking with dad until we saw the uglydolls walking towards us with clothes and wigs on

lou: what is this 

babo: look at my bangs 

tuesday gasped

lydia: face it doll, they look better on lou and willow

moxy: we're pretty dolls now 

lou: well, you certainly are 

willow:(why did they have to do this, they're perfect just the way they are)

moxy: so your happy for us 

lou: so happy

willow: i'm happy as well

ugly dog: why does he always have to say it in that tone

lou: and yet so sad 

i looked at dad 

ugly dog: there he goes again

lou: you see i'm afraid all your hard work has been for nothing 

moxy: what do you mean 

lou: no amount of makeup or fancy new clothes or dollscaping 

babo: excuse you

lou: can take away the fact that deep down you are ugly dolls there's no changing that, uglydolls can never pass the gauntlet 

moxy: we don't believe me 

lou: you don't believe me, i suspected as much but maybe you'll believe him 

he moved aside and there was a green bunny with one eye 

the ugly dolls and tuesday gasped 

kitty: hello we kidnapped him 

tuesday: oh, yeah

willow: wait you what?!

the spy girls made nervous faces 

moxy: ox? i, i don't understand 

ox: moxy

moxy: ox wait, you won't believe this the big world is real 

ox: i know

moxy: what

willow:(this must be dad old friend he told me about when i was young) 

lou: come on ox relieve the poor creatures of their confusion, why don't you start at the beginning 

moxy: what's he talking about 

ox: moxy all i wanted to do was protect you, but lou's right your never gonna get to the big world, let me try to explain 


it all began at the doll factory, i don't know how but i ended up here in the institute, lou and his wife amber welcomed me, and we became close friends, and after i begged and begged they even let me train, i even felt i might have a shot at the big world, i was messing it up for the others they started to turn on me i was scared, it was only lou and amber who saved me by showing me a way out, i wandered into the dark and that's when i discovered the ugly truth about who we are and where we came from, we uglydolls are nothing but rubbish the humans found us unlovable and threw us away, i blocked the way to recycling so that outcast dolls would be diverted to our cove.

(end of flashback)

ox: we are rejects 

the uglydolls gasped and i covered my mouth with my hand

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