Training day and ox meets lou

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today was the doll's training day, i so nervous for them i wonder how they're gonna do with the training, i'm standing on the stage infront of a curtain while dad is talking to the dolls 

willow: today you begin your training 

lou: and i know that seems stressful, maybe a little scary, but remember this is your purpose as a doll and i will never let you fail, i've dedicated my entire life to making sure you go to the big world, that's right i'm doing this for you

then he started pointing at random dolls 

lou: and you, and you

nolan: me

willow: .giggles. yes he means you

nolan: wait so that whole ugly you're trash song that was because you loved me

lou: of course i love you, i love all of you

then he points at me 

lou: especially you my little girl

he comes up and hugs me 

willow: .giggles. i know dad you tell that everyday 

he messes with my hair and he continued to talk to the dolls

lou: and i will take you there 

then fireworks started lighting up and the dolls were ooing and awing at them 

ugly dog: i wanna hate him, i mean i really wanna dislike this guy, but i gotta respect the man's fireworks budget 

lou: but i'm here to get you pretty, because pretty makes perfect, and i don't know about you but that sounds pretty to me, so let's get started

lou: do you want your clothes ruined by tea party gone awry, do you want to find yourself on a business end of a perment marker

girl doll: no 

willow: (ok maybe that was a little to harsh)

lou: and you,

girl doll: huh

lou: your kid spent an hour styling your hair, then disaster strikes, who's gonna get the gum out, who

girl doll: i don't know 

willow: today you're gonna practice on how to avoid stains, smudges, and spills, or as my dad likes to call them

lou: the S's of messes, thank you me and willow actually came up with that one ourselfs

then the uglydolls started playing with glue, i put my hand over my mouth trying not to laugh, but my dad was walking towards them 

moxy: sorry don't kids have fun getting messy

i just shook my head in amusement 

moxy: wait was this part of the test

lou: yes it was, and you passed!

moxy: for real

lou: enjoy the big world 

then the curtains opened 

willow: .whispers. oh no not the washer

moxy: thank you so much 

they ran into the washer 

moxy: what

then the door shuts 

lou: this students, is what happens to dolls who get messy 

then the washer starts

lou: they get put through the was 

the crowd gasped 

Ugly dolls Lou's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now