"Give me the damage report. Is Theodore alright?"

Petunia wouldn't be here otherwise. Well, she might make time to visit Jasmine, but to doze off in her room, she'd need to be waiting on someone else.

"The doctors here are discharging him and it was taking a while. His eye was damaged in the fight, and there some kind of curse damage that they needed to stabilize, but otherwise, he's unharmed. Tahatan let me wait here while Theodore dealt with that. You killed a Dark Lord, but you already knew that. Dumbledore subdued Brightbark and Amelia arrested him. I think he should have let Bella take care of him. She had to be restrained by Mikhail. Regulus sustained a head injury, but he should make a full recovery. Chatan used his golems to protect a lot of civilians without getting hurt...Euphemia will be using a cane to walk for the rest of her life, the Minister is alive, though from what I've heard no one knows if it's going to stay that way. Peter Pettigrew was arrested and Marlene's remains were found. She apparently had been possessed, poor dear. Umm, the Prewilts...Prewills..."


"Yes, the twins are okay. Marianna killed more people than she probably needed to, but barely had a scratch on her. James and Lily thankfully missed the entire thing...Dorcas Meadows died...Amos Diggory sustained some serious injuries, a lot of death eaters died. The Carrow twins died.

Cassiopeia more than likely did that.

"Is Severus okay?"

Petunia nodded, though she frowned at his name. Those two still didn't get along, which was fine, there was a history there.

"There were other injuries, but our little ragtag group is alright. A lot of people were out of the country at the time of the attack. There is going to be some kind of meeting in a few days to discuss losses, or at least, that's what Theodore told me," she replied, playing with a ring on her finger.

Jasmine's eyes zeroed in on her left hand and Petunia just grinned.

"It took him nearly dying to get his act together, but he finally mustered up the courage to ask me to marry him. The idiot apparently asked my father and Lily months ago. Theodore's father was furious, of course, but the old man has no other heirs and a dead wife. He could always remarry, but conceiving at that age, even for magical people seems to be difficult."

Merlin knows it took the Potters nearly thirty years to conceive James.

"Congratulations, Petunia. You are going to take this world by storm," though, she couldn't keep her focus on her friend, "Did they say how long Sirius' surgery would be?"

Petunia turned towards the clock on the wall and frowned. "It's been over three and a half hours already. I imagine it should be over soon. Though, I'm no doctor."

Jasmine worried the end of her hair between her fingers. "The average for magical surgeries is about two hours. This has to be delicate work then." There are only so many surgeries that would take this long in the magical word and none of them were good. Theo was an expert, but she really wished she knew what happened after the explosion.

"It was indeed delicate work," Theo magically projected into the room as he entered with a light knock on the door. He was dressed in a long well fitted white master healer's robe. He had some muggle equipment in his front pockets as well as quills and potion vials sticking out of others. The magical hearing aid hanging from his ears, were glowing a dim red as he projected his thoughts outward. He had recently put those out on the public market and made a small fortune.

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