Chapter 4

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Hunter sat tall on his saddle.

The horse sensing that something was wrong. But Dawn felt his legs clench around the beast, telling it to settle its nerves. The pressure he put on their mount transferred to Dawn and she found herself to be more curious than afraid. His hand rested on hers, so she spread her fingers against his firm abdomen as a sign that she was fine and that she was not afraid. Whether Hunter understood the message or not, she felt his thumb move against her hand in response. Peering around him, she looked at what Hunter had called Erlkin.

The man stood still as three panthers prowled around him. Their eyes were golden and their muscle rippled under their velvet coats as they grew anxious to pounce on their prey. One caught Dawn's eye and she saw sharp claws extend from their large paws. Each beast held the potential of unimaginable violence. And standing in the centre, master to those beasts, was the cloaked man.

He looked like something plucked out of a child's nightmare. The remnants of his charred skin were pulled over his bones in a grotesque way and his blackened hands told her that under the cloak, his entire body was covered in the burned flesh.

"It's impolite to stare young girl."

Her eyes widened as he addressed her. Tilting his head, she could feel his unnatural gaze scan her body.

"So, it is you who I have come looking for."

The astonishment in his words made the hair on her neck stand. Unconsciously, she pulled her satchel close

But the man waved a hand, sic'ing his beasts in her direction. The one on his right pounced up and caught her satchel in its open jaw. She screamed seeing the bloodlust in the beast's eyes. The strap snapped and holding her satchel in his jaw, it returned to its master. Dawn was half out of the saddle when Hunter grabbed her. His hands dug into her waist as he reached behind him. She struggled against him but his hold only tightened.

"Return that to me at once!"

She demanded. Looking at the man without an ounce of fear in her eyes. Swinging her leg over the horse, she twisted out of Hunter's hold.


But she wasn't listening to him. She swiftly dismounting and walked toward him. His beasts forming a barrier between her and their master.

"You dare to face me? Alone and powerless?" He looked at her from head to toe. His discoloured eyes moving in his skull. He looked to be decomposing in his own body. He clicked his teeth, "No, not powerless, more like alone and unskilled." The skin above his eye tugged as if he was raising his brow. "Run back to your Fae Prince, child. Hide behind his might like a good half-blood."

She felt the words as blows against her chest. Satisfied that he had halted her, Dawn watched as he returned to the satchel and withdrew the tome.

"Ah. This is magnificent."

Turning the book in his charred hands, he raised it to his nose and inhaled deeply. "The smell of magic is exquisite. I have longed for it. And you, young child, have finally sated my need."

"What game are you playing Erlkin?" Hunter came to stand beside her. He pulled the creature's attention away from the tome. Looking over the edge of the cover, he spoke to Hunter.

"No game, Prince, but I come offering a gift to the girl."

From her left she saw Tal raise her flaming fists. But Erlkin saw as well and turning a nonchalant look to her, he warned, "you will only anger me with you attempts. I am being cooperative so lower your fists, girl."

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