When the maiden is now the steed...

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After spending a night with albedo y/n left him and Klee feeling happy that she spent some time with him and now she was tired.

She gone to her home and slept away, but she knew that a nightmare was awaiting her. Ever since she found out about her being a unicorn the dreams were now nightmares.

But this time her nightmare was different.

"Why you thin thief , she'll string you on barbed wire, to make a necklace, FOR THE HARPY!!!" Yelled a man with an eyepatch.

"RUN!!!" Yelled a man in blue and he leapt to the man, tackling him.

As the two men fought a unicorn freed all the mythical beasts from their cages who they turn out to be ordinary creatures but then the mythical creature stopped to see a bird that was large with blue feathers, sharp teeth and three breasts.

As the unicorn walked towards the creature the bird flapped it's wings and cawed at her aggressively.

"NO SHE'LL KILL YOU!! RUN!! SHE'LL KILL YOU IF YOU SET HER FREE!!!" Yelled the man in blue but the unicorn didn't even flinched.

"Set me free......... We are sisters you and I..." Said a deep feminine voice as the creature kept cawing at her.

The unicorn looked at her and set her free. The cage broke and the harpy shot up into the sky and scooped down below to to grab the unicorn with its talons two times but each time the unicorn stabbed it with her horn.

Then an old lady with a tree for a hat yelled at the flying beast.

"NOT ALONE!! YOU NEVER COULD'VE FREED YOURSELF ALONE!!!! I HELD YOU!!" Yelled the lady but the creature cawed at her and scooped down and killed the old lady and feasted on corpse.

"Run, Run! You must run! Oh, God! Run! You must run away from here! Now!" Said the man in blue as he saw the horrific scene.

"No. Come with me. Come with me." Said the unicorn and she walked away as the man followed her but stopped when he heard the other man's screams.

"Don't look back. And don't run. You must never run from anything immortal it attracts their attention." Said the unicorn as it walked away with the man in blue following along.


Y/n was tired because she woke up and she never fell asleep because well she didn't want to see that nightmare.

As she sighed at the memory of the nightmare, it felt so real but a dream was a dream. As she walked down to the library, she picked out a book and started reading.

It was one of the pastimes of Y/n when she had a nightmare.

But when she first opened the book it had a sketch of something, a castle? It didn't matter.

As she read the story, she found out that it was all about a trio of misfits, an animal that lost it's sense of purpose when the others didn't accept him, a miner that wanted to be a baker instead of being like his brothers, and a warrior that was a pacifist.

"As the trio saw their savior, they saw only a creature with ruby like eyes multiple animal heads and tails with large bird wings with a bod of a lion. "Speak to me, you have come this far to see me." Said the heads in unison as they peered down at them with benevolent eyes. The small animal stepped up and spoke first. One by one they all said their wishes to the giant ruler of the land. At first the giant creature was quiet in thought then they all looked at eachother and nodded, and looked at the small trio."

The First Unicorn (Yandere Gen impact Male characters x the last unicorn reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora