When the Bard has a place to play...

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Y/n was going around the city for the time since, due to a recent event she had to stay for a period of time, but she adapted and began to pass the time by drawing the statue of the Anemo God, barbatos.

Then she heard a lovely melody passing through her ears, tempted by the song, she followed the sound to see a group of people surrounding a bard who was the same one she saw.

Then she heard a childish voice.

"Aether look! Paimon sees Y/n!" Said Paimon as she waved to Y/n who waved back, Aether looked like he was about to burst with joy when he saw her.

"Hi Y/n, what are you doing?" Asked Aether.

"Oh well I was passing the time when I heard this song, so here I am." Said Y/n, then she heard the bard speak.

He was telling a story about a dragon being cursed with anger and sadness, it felt like a harmony to y/n and she listened carefully to the story along with Aether and Paimon.

But while she listened to the story, Aether stared at her not caring about anything else other than seeing Y/n's features showing vividly under the sun.

But then the song finished and Aether had to come up and chat with him, making Y/n leave since just remembered about the promise she made to her parents, writing a letter to them.

But then a trip of a little stone caused her to then go over the stone fence and luckily someone caught her, a man with blue eyes but one was covered with an eyepatch. The boy was in shock but he smiled softly and blush could be seen if you looked hard enough.

"You must watch where you are going or you could've been hurt." Said the boy as he smiled at her, Y/n was red in embarrassment.

"R-Right sorry, I pay attention more next time." Said Y/n and the boy just smiled at the red that y/n had smeared all over her face.

"No need to be all red, my name is kaeya, Calvary captain of the knights of favonius." Said Kaeya.

"I'm Y/n." Said Y/n as she looked away in embarrassment of herself acting like a fool.

But she did not notice the little frown on his face when she looked away, wanting to see her face again he grabbed her chin and looked at her to see herself blushing harder at the situation.

"Sorry, it's just that I'm feeling embarrassed about acting like a fool in front of someone..." Said Y/n as she got out of his grip and quickly composed herself.

"It's alright we all make mistakes." Said Kaeya as he smiled at her.

"Alright, well I must go back to my place, it's getting close to nighttime, goodbye." Said Y/n as she waved and walked away, while Kaeya stared at her walking away as he waved back.


Y/n was passing by to get to her home when suddenly an abyss mage grabbed her wrist and started to dragged her away to an exit, y/n tried to get away but the abyss mage only held her wrist tighter to the point where y/n felt a bone crack.

"Son of an ARCHON!!! I can't scream or even fight it off, someone something HELP!" Thought Y/n as she widened her eyes to see the exit was getting more closer.

A burst of flame attacked the mage and it quickly grabbed Y/n and dragged her away to a safe area then it vanished.

Y/n stood in shock by how fast the person was, she couldn't even see the person.

"Who was that? Why didn't they- OUCH!" Thought y/n but was cut off by the pain of her broken wrist.

Then she heard someone who sound like they were concerned about her.

"Aether? Paimon?" Said Y/n as she saw them going towards her in a hurry.

"Y/n? What happened to your wrist?" Asked Aether as he looked angrily at her injury and held it softly.

"An abyss mage was trying to drag me out of mondstadt when a person saved me! But the person was too quick for me to see them." Said Y/n, as she explained, Aether was still holding her broken wrist with a frown.

It was his fault that she got hurt, if he went with her, then he would've protected her, but he failed her like he did his sister.

"Aether? Aether?" Said Y/n as she looked at him confused but worried.

"Huh? Oh! I'll patch this up! It'll probably take a long time to heal." Said Aether as he took out a few bandages that he found when doing some errands.

"Thank you, Aether." Said Y/n as she smiled at him, grateful that he was helping her.

"It's my pleasure Y/n." Said Aether as he smiled back but something sinister was behind that soft smile.

After that y/n was walking home along with Aether who was beside her all the way until they stopped at the home that she was living in.

"Well this is my stop, bye Aether." Said Y/n as she waved a little then walked off inside.

"Bye Y/n, see you soon." Said Aether then whispered the last part under his breath then walked off, going off to find a certain abyss mage.

The First Unicorn (Yandere Gen impact Male characters x the last unicorn reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz