"Thanks, you're a saint!" Clay yelled back. He was truly grateful for the umbrella, but then it hit him. 'why does this place have 69 stories?' Intrigued, Clay peaked in to where the elevators were located, revealing a huge '69' above the elevator indicating where the elevator was headed.

Search up 'what does the number 69 mean', and you'll understand

Clay couldn't help but laugh. Was his co-worker really about to sleep with the one and only boss? Chuckling to mainly himself, he put the umbrella up and started to walk to where the apartment complex was. It was a peaceful walk, just him, the rain, his shallow breaths, and the obnoxious police sirens. Of course, he couldn't go one day without hearing those annoying fucking sirens. 'Why do they chase after someone everyday? Can it not just be on days I'm not trying to have peace?' But sadly, no. They blare out everyday, usually at night. 

"How have the police not have fucking caught these bastards yet? It's the twentie- MMMMMMPPPHHH- MMMMMMMMM-!!"

Random!Male POV:

"Hmmm, do you think he knows why now, Sir?" One of my workers said. That particular brunet was named Karl. Codename: Network. He was one of my... better workers, you could say.

"Well, obviously not dipshit! We haven't even shown him our easiest yet!" And that was Nick. Codename: Sapnap. I could easily define him as one of our, well, we'll say "less smarter" decisions..

"Haha." a male said sarcastically. He turned to me. "You got a cute one, Señor~. What do you plan on doing with him?" Lastly, Alex. Codename: Quackity. He was our best. Odd though, considering he was 1 step away from graduating law school but decided to drop out and join us instead.

"Nice, nice, but, can you all SHUT UP!?" I practically yelled. We were tying Blondie here to one of the chairs in our HQ basement. 

"Sorry, Sir." Karl replied sheepishly. 

"Lo siento~!" Alex said more teasingly than sorrowful.

I sighed, "Alex, can I speak to you for a moment?" 

"Okay?" Alex came over to me while the other two were getting the investigation set up. I motioned him to follow me and walked up the stairs to the 2nd floor of the basement, where a long hallway lived. My office was down at the very back. 

"Well- so.. Are you executioning me? Firing me? Or is it a job only I can handle~?" Alex said curiously. He had this thing where somewhere in longer sentences he would make one word unnecessarily long and flirtatious, though he knew none of us saw it that way. He planned on changing that, I could tell. Or, well, hoped.

I looked through my pocket and pulled out the key to my office, unlocked it, and stepped inside. Again, motioning Alex to follow me. He went into the room and I locked the door behind him. I could see how nervous Alex was just looking at his eyes. I was impressed he was able to keep such a stoic face the whole time. This was something I've always noticed about him. He would get hurt or you could see the evident hardships hes been through from his eyes and he just keeps a stoic face. I mean to ask him about that, but not now.

"So, Alex, I have a very important job for you." I deadpanned.

"Yeah- what is it?" He replied. Did I ever mention how innocent he could make himself look in a split of a second? That's part of the reason he's one of our best. It also refers to that's what this arsehole is doing right now..

"Y'know our rivals? The leader wants to see if he can make peace, and since you are our best and I am busy, I want you to go see them." I informed. I wasn't really busy, but the tension between the rival mafia leader and Alex was very interesting and hilarious, so why not send him instead?

Your Lukewarm Heart ~ GeorgeWasTaken (Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now