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Assuming you're mature you may skip to warnings (if you need to read them), otherwise go to the note. Of if you really don't care just skipping to the actual warnings works as well.

For people who will come at me and say "You're giving illegal stuff a positive light" so I can prove that's not the point: Hey so uh like mafias aren't cool don't join one just because people make fake stories on people finding love about it. I am attempting to not get Karens get mad at me for 'showing mafias in a positive attitude, as well as kidnapping, tax fraud, identity fraud, theft, arson, and many more'. This was also directed towards more mature audiences so you can't really blame me when a 9 year old comes and sees this and all of a sudden says "MOMMY CAN I JOIN A MAFIA!?". Also no, getting kidnapped does NOT result in being able to see George. You should know this.

Warnings: Swearing, sexual jokes, sexual comments, quackbur (wont be included as much in further chapters) Edit: <----- That was a huge lie I'm sorry but quackbur is a big factor in this story as you proceed so uh

{Note: Unless you couldn't tell already, basically all bottoms are tops and all tops are bottoms. Switchs, I mean obviously, stay the same. Also if you couldn't tell from reading the first two sentences, there are ships. Main ships included in this chapter are Georgewastaken, Karlnap, and suggestive Quackbur. [Quackbur is a switch ship (my opinion) as both Quackity and Wilbur seem like bottoms in the actual smp. As well as Skephalo, which is barely included, since people will start arguments over who is top.]}


If you didn't know that, hey you just learned something new <3

EVERY CHARACTER IN THIS IS FROM 21-30 (obviously the minors will stay as 17, with Ranboo and Tubbo as the exception at 18.), NO UNDERAGE SEXUAL STUFF. AND IM LOOKING AT YOU  MR. TOUCHY TOUCHY (<- if you know the reference then you know.)

Extern POV:

There he was, all alone. It was raining, and not only that but the random male (like any human) did not expect it to rain, therefore he did not bring his umbrella. 

"Goddammit.." The male sighed. He was let out from work late, resulting in him standing out in the cold rain alone under one of those tiny roofs above the mid-section in front of buildings. His boss hated him for no specific reason. 'Maybe it's because of my ugly ass face, like everyone else thinks.' The male thought to himself. He would get ridiculed for many different things, but the male never knew why. He just assumed it was his face for no particular reason. 

"Pffft, Clay?" A brunet said out of nowhere to, well obviously, Clay.

"Darryl? You left like an hour ago, why are you still here?" Clay replied. Knowing that he wasn't alone, his face slightly lit up at the acquaintance with Darryl.

"Oh, well, the usual. Za- I mean, Boss wanted me to stay behind for a little." Darryl made an attempt to cover the fact he knew their boss' name, but it really sucked.

"What for?" Clay said, in an attempt to act like he was okay. He also noticed Darryl had an umbrella with him, making Clay envious in an instant.

"I told him I was taller, and even though its obvious I am he wanted to measure each other and see who's taller." Darryl replied with a laugh. He checked his watch right after, it was 10:03 p.m, and Darryl refused to be more late than he already was (since apparently he was supposed to be there at 10). "Here, take my umbrella. You look like you need it more than I do." And with that, Darryl went inside the 69 story building and tossed his umbrella to Clay. 

Your Lukewarm Heart ~ GeorgeWasTaken (Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now