My eyes widened at his words. He loved me?

His family had actually become mine and I didn't mind that one bit.

"I love you too Mitsuya" I said and he grinned "Ok let's get the day started!" He said and I nodded as we went our separate ways.

I walked into my classroom and sat down in the back.

I pulled out my notebook and began sketching little doodles inside of it before the bell had rang. After transferring schools......I rarely talked to anyone unless I was spoken to first.

I didn't look at people and they didn't look at me.

Sometimes I felt invisible but I knew that I wasn't.

I didn't really care about making other friends.....I just needed my friends from Toman, that's all that I've could ever hope for in friends. They've been with me through everything and I never thought that my life would turn into this after moving back from America.

But I really wouldn't want it any other way.

I smiled down at my small drawings, I was attempting to draw Salem. I thought it was fairly decent.

"Is that a squirrel?" Someone suddenly asked as they pointed down to my notebook and my eyes widened slightly as I looked over to see a girl staring down at my notebook with curious eyes "Uh its a cat"

She clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle her laugh "Are you serious? I would've never guessed" she mused as she took her hand away from her mouth and smiled "I'm Kayo" She said with a small smile and I smiled back "I'm Y/N"

"This lecture is pretty boring, I was thinking about ditching our next class and spending the day at the arcade......sound like something that you're interested in?" She asked and I smirked "Are you asking me to skip with you?" I asked amusingly and she shrugged "Maybe I am, although it wouldn't be very scholarly of me" she said and I chuckled lightly "Well maybe I'll walk with you when we get out of this class and you'll end up getting us both lost"

Her eyes widened slightly before a huge grin spread across her face "Maybe I will!"

We both laughed before she pointed down at my Salem drawing "Also the ears should probably be bigger and the tail shouldn't look so bushy" she said and I rolled my eyes "Thanks for the criticism" I mused and she put her hands up "Oops!" She said and I chuckled lightly before erasing the ears and tail as I began to draw them back on once again after taking her advice.

She smiled "Still kind of looks like a squirrel but we're getting somewhere!" She said and I scoffed "Like you could do any better" I said and she pulled out her book "Oh I beg to differ" she said as she flipped to a clean page before picking up her pencil and beginning to draw "If it looks better than yours then you owe me something to eat after school" she said and I rolled my eyes "Deal but don't get to ex-"


She held up her notebook to show a really good sketch of a cat.......I'm not even sure how she did that in such a short amount of time "How the he-"

"I grew up drawing cats during class so it's only right that I can draw them so quickly now, anyways what are we planning on eating?" She asked and I rolled my eyes "How about we worry about that after the arcade" I mused and she grinned "Right right, I like the way you think Y/N" she said and I tilted my head to the side "And I like the way that you think, Kayo"

She kind of reminded me of Baji, Emma and Mitsuya all put together. I was just having a conversation to myself about not making friends but.....Kayo seemed cool So I don't mind having one new friend.

𝕾. 𝕸𝖆𝖓𝖏𝖎𝖗𝖔 {𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖞 𝕭𝖞 𝕸𝖞 𝕾𝖎𝖉𝖊}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora