Chapter - 1 Introduction

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In the year 2016

It was a sunny morning with the sunlight peeping into the bedroom. The sunlight falling on her made her look more beautiful.
She woke up to the yelling of her mom saying wake up Nithya. Yesss it's our Nithya whose been sleeping till 7 am on the last day of her college. Her mom yelled stating her to get ready for the college as it was her last day in her Ug.

She got all ready for the last day of her college. She went to the kitchen hugged her mom and collected her tiffin box and ran to the entrance as her dad was waiting to drop her at the college. She was indeed one of the most pampered child of the two siblings.

Nithya a very simple girl and she is the one of the sweetest person whom you could meet in your life her cute smile could make your day. She has a beautiful smile along with a beautiful heart. She is a very friendly and lovely girl. She is pampered alot by her parents and her elder brother he treats her as a kid and always wishes the best for her. Her wish is his command and the same goes to Nithya she could go to any extent for the happiness of her brother.

On the other hand

A smart and  handsome boy woke up to the sun rays and it was very quite at his place as no one was there to wake him up or shout at him as it was him and his one and only friend Vicky staying in a small PG. Yes it was our Hero Arjun Kumar. Today is the last day of his college and he is an Engineering student.
He got freshen up and was all ready when Vicky passed a plate of dosa to Arjun and he himself joined him for the breakfast and they both left to college after the breakfast.

Arjun is one the most handsome person you'll meet in your life he is very stylish as he wants to become an actor and he is trying for it to stamp his name in the industry but he hasn't got any proper breakthrough.

He loves his family and his sister. She is his first baby and she means the world to him and he can do anything for her. His passion to become an actor is something which he cannot leave at any cost but it is the one thing which he does against his dad's wish. His mom and sister are always on his side. His dad is not that much satisfied with what Arjun is doing. His dad doesn't believe being an actor is good thing in the society.

Hello Readers,

This is the first chapter of my New book Behind the cameras. These characters are completely fictional and on my own imagination. This is my small to attempt to pen down Few important things which we need to understand as fans. The actor or actress they too are human beings and they too have a life behind the camera and we should respect there life behind the camera's too and it's important to understand the difference between there personal and professional lives. We as fans doens't have any idea about there personal lives and so we don't have any rights to intervene in to there personal lives. Just my opinion 🙏

Hope you will love it.

I have kept my 1st book It's Magic by Saayu in hold due to certain personal reasons. Will resume it soon. Hope you'll love this book too and shower your love on this book.

With love🤍

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