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Years ago, in the year 1509, the young King Henry the Eighth married the Spanish infanta Catherine and widow of his brother, Prince Arthur. Oh how they were in love with each other, the infanta had to wait for years to marry Henry but when the time finally came it didn't take her to get pregnant.

Room enough, the pregnancy ended in a stillborn child, a girl, but the couple didn't give up because a year later on New Year's Day, Catherine gave birth to a son, Henry, Duke of Cornwall.

How happy they were with the birth of their son and heir. The king had organized one of the most lavish tours, and even the prince's baptism had been lavish.

But after 52 days of life, the prince suddenly passed away. Henry and Catherine were heartbroken at the loss of their son and heir.

Everything seemed to go downhill from there. Catherine had two more pregnancies, two sons, but each time the children did not live long after birth.

But then finally in 1516 Catherine gave birth to a live and healthy baby but much to their disappointment it was a girl.

This girl was called Mary, on behalf of her Aunt Mary.

Catherine got pregnant again, a girl this time, but this pregnancy also ended in a miscarriage.

This was her last pregnancy.

The King's gaze wandered from his wife and he then fell in love with his wife's young lady-in-waiting, Elizabeth Blount, Bessie for short.

Bessie accomplished something Catherine couldn't and that was to give birth to a living son.

This was proof that Henry was capable of fathering sons and that Catherine turned out to be the problem.

A few years later, a new woman named Anne Boleyn came to court. Anne Boleyn would change the history of England but also the future of all the queens who would follow her.

The clever Anne managed to get the king to cancel his marriage to Catharine on the grounds of her previous marriage to her brother.

In 1533 Henry married the already pregnant Anne and in the same year she gave birth to a child.

But much to their dismay, this child also turned out to be a girl.

Elizabeth they would call the girl, the new Heir to the English throne.

With two daughters and a bastard son, Henry wouldn't get very far, and he knew it himself.

Anne became pregnant three more times, three sons but also three miscarriages.

By May 1536, Henry had had enough. Anne was accused of adultery and beheaded.

Anne had made many mistakes, but the biggest mistake she had made was showing Henry that he could do anything he wanted.

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