“Wow, I don’t think I could ever recreate that. No wonder you're the chef here. I bet no one could cook like that or match your skill.”

    Nick smiled, an odd look that made him seem more and less threatening at the same time. “Thanks, took me years to perfect. And of course I couldn't do it without Peggy.”

    I nodded and continued to devour the soup. And I wasn’t the only one, everyone had at least 5 bowls throughout the day and we all heavily enjoyed it. Nick is an extremely good cook. I still long for that soup some days, but I know he’ll never make it again.

    Anyways, time to talk about more important matters and not just a page about soup. But it’s really good soup and should get a whole book. But that also isn’t why we’re here and Lizz will smack me over the head with a shovel if I don’t get on track, so here we go. As we walked to the central control desk, a message took over all of the screens at once.

Hello.Who are you?

We looked at each other. Hannigian was freaking out, though I didn’t know if it was from excitement or fear.

“How do we answer it?” Al asked in a quivering voice.

We can hear you just fine.

We all started shaking in absolute fear. Finally, though, Hannigan answered.

“We are the bringers of the future. We have created technology that was thought to only exist in science fiction stories. We are the Digitizers.”

So it was you we felt. You have invaded our realm.You will pay.
    We were all freaking out now, none of us wanted to be destroyed, and by Daleks no less. Or maybe it was just a Doctor Who fan trying to make a reference. Although I would love to meet one. We actually might have had a chance if we had apologised and backed off though, but Nick has a temper.

    “How dare you! You think we’ll be scared of some cult who uses references from over a millennia ago? And how can you destroy us if your realm is the computer, so you're just pixels!”  He shouted, waving his shovel. This was a mistake, as immediately after he said this, a laser beam came out of the screen and hit his shovel.

“PEGGY! NOOO!!” he shouted, but the shovel seemed fine.

Have fun with your evil shovel. Good-bye. Thank you for coming to my ted-talk. So long, and thanks for all the fish. Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYEEEEE!
“OH NO YOU'RE NOT LEAVING YET! YOU TAKE THAT BACK! PEGGY ISN’T EVIL!!!!!!!”  Nick shouted cradling (her? [Still confused on the pronouns]) close to his body.
Al came up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder, “It’s okay Nick. Whoever that was was just trying to get on your nerves.” Nick just nodded, his eyes full of tears. But he did not get the chance to wipe his tears away, because the shovel started to make a whirring sound, like a game console cooling itself. [insert shovel pronoun] started floating in the air. We all froze, eyeing it warily.


We all screamed and ran away. Except Nick, who just stood there staring.

“Oof,” went Nick.

“Ahh,” went Lizz.

“Sizzle,” went the ground as it got shot by lasers.

“Weee,” went Hannigan.

“Oof,” went Nick again.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!” Peggy laughed evilly as (shovel pronoun) continued to shoot lasers.

“NOOOOOOOOOOO!”  Screamed Nick as he sank to his knees, staring at his beloved shovel. Al and Hannigan dragged him away so that he wouldn’t be incinerated. Which was honestly quite a feat because as I may have mentioned Nick is very big, Al and Hannigain are not. Sorry, I’m good at getting sidetracked when we’re in mortal peril.

    “Peggy, please what are you doing? You can’t do this! Think about all we’ve been through together! Running away from our parents…”  Nick started before getting cut off by Peggy.

    “Parents have been notified of the location.”

    “Margaret, how could you?”  Nick asked, his voice breaking, much like his spirit was doing at this top ten anime betrayal. Actually this was way worse than any of the anime betrayals I watched. But then again nowadays all television shows suck. Also for you uneducated people Peggy is short for Margaret. If you want an explanation, ask Lizz because I learned that from her. Now back to the story (I told you I’m good at getting side tracked.)

    Lizz, probably the only reason I’m still alive right now, looked over at John and screamed to be heard over everything. “What are we going to do? We’re gonna get caught!”

“I don’t have a plan!” yelled everyone. But then I came up with a fiendishly clever plan.

“Command-input, testfor, software-type, return!” I shouted at the shovel. It replied with “Command-found, testfor, software-type, test-complete, software-AI/1.17.3.” After it told me this, I knew exactly what to do.

“Command-input, command-type-download, download-software-RNG-6.3.3.” You see, this was supposed to make it blow a circuit, since that RNG was proven to do. Then I threw a bucket of water on it, and the shovel was a shovel again. Now I’m hungry, so I’ll let Lizz take over for a bit.

Signing off-Ezra

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