Speaking of parents, Junak's mother made a sad face and said, "Sorry, we are out of sons."

"Geez!" Junak cried, stepping back from his father and glaring at his mother. He was pouting in a vain attempt to hide his blush. "I will," he said. "Go now. Bye."

Junak's mother waved at everyone one last time and then they were off.

The people on the lawn watched the car vanish up the highway.

Dikhou watched Junak. A voice in his head reminded him that it would be Junak's car vanishing from his sight in a few days. He gulped it down and let his eyes savour what was in front of him for now.


If it were up to Dikhou, he would have spent every minute with Junak. But turned out, it was not up to him because Junak refused to be seen with or near him in public. Even on their front yards.

And considering they shot their film outside, Dikhou had to stay away for most of the time.

When Junak was not shooting, however, he pulled Dikhou into his room and they kissed. A lot.

And there were times when they wanted to do more but, with a dozen other people in the house, they kept getting interrupted. All the time.

"Junak, for fuck's sake, man." Puhor was shouting from the other side of the door, his hand banging against the wood. "I need Dikhou's help in wearing this stupid dhuti."

Junak seemed perfectly content in pretending he wasn't hearing anything but Dikhou could not just ignore the giant man outside. He broke off the kiss. "We need to stop."

"Fuck him," Junak said from where he sat on Dikhou's lap and kissed him again. With his body on fire and the taste of that man on his lips, Dikhou was in no position to refuse.

"And Banhi is looking for you too, Junak," Puhor cried. "She needs help carrying the equipment."


"Shush," Junak whispered against Dikhou's lips. "He'll go away."

Dikhou pulled away from Junak's embrace and leaned back on his hands. "You have work."

Junak pouted as if wounded, making a pretty good case with his flushed cheeks and swollen lips.

"If you don't open the door right now," Puhor said, "I will go fetch aita and then have fun telling her what you and Dikhou were doing in there."

As far as threats went, that was scary enough to make Junak groan and climb off of Dikhou. "I hate you," he told Puhor the moment he opened the door.

"Same." Puhor walked in, dragging the dhuti along his feet. He was wearing one of Dikhou's muga shirts, that was small enough on his frame to strain against his well-toned muscles. "I think I got the knot wrong, man."

Dikhou's blood was still roaring in his ears. He slid to the edge of the bed and eyed the mess at Puhor's waist. "What have you done to it? Take it off."


It might have been stupid but Dikhou felt giddily happy about being referred to as Junak's.

Puhor smirked at his brother and made a dramatic show of unwrapping the dhuti until he was standing in his boxers.


"JUNAK!" Banhi shouted from across the hall. "Get your ass down here, right now. You were supposed to be at the riverside with Niri ten minutes ago."

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