Chapter Twenty - four

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Eloise's point of view

Dear diary,

I cannot believe what happened today. We had a picnic this afternoon and although I really did not want to attend, mama forced me to. The queen had organized this picnic and so it was very posh, mama kept on telling me how to behave and it made me very nervous. I was glad Olivia offered to stay with me all afternoon but when Penelope arrived I told her to go to her beloved prince. She does not want to admit it but I am sure they like each other, the way she laughs at him proves it.

I tried to talk to Olivia about it a couple of times but she tries to get away with it every time. She either changes the subject to something totally different or pretends as if she does not know what I am talking about. I like them together very much. Not because he is a prince and she would make a good princess, but because he cares for her, and Olivia deserves nothing less.

Anyway, while Penelope and I were spying on Olivia and the prince, a guard of the queen came to us and asked ME to come over to the queen. ME?!

Of course, I went, with clammy hands and Penelope's support, and this is what happened:

"is it true?" she asked me right away. I had no idea what she was talking about and I was afraid I had done something wrong,

"my apologies your majesty, what are referring to exactly?"

"the horserider, William Williams, is it true you are about to unmask him?"

"I am doing my best, your majesty"

"I want his identity to be revealed at the very next race. BEFORE the prizes are being awarded"

"I understand"

"I want YOU to find out who it is"


"was I not clear?"

"no, yes, of course, you were, of course"

"good. Now find him. And if not..."

"if not..?"

"you do not wish to know my dear, now leave"

"yes, thank you, your majesty," I said and left with a bow. I do not understand, why would she choose me for this?! I am very grateful for this chance and of course I will do everything to unmask him. The only problem is, I have no idea who he is, and if I cannot find him... the queen may kill me...

I hope I can figure my way out of here.

Xx Eloise

"Olivia? Can I come in?" I knock on Olivia's door, hoping she is able to help me,

"of course!" I walk in and see she is brushing her hair,

"can I ask you a question?"

"you are, right now.."

"do you know who William Williams is?" she stops brushing and turns around,

"what do you mean Eloise?"

"I was just wondering..."

"why would I know who he is..?"

"Because... I don't know. Sorry.."

"what is going on Eloise? You can tell me anything, really.."

"yesterday, at the picnic. The queen requested me to find him"

"that is wonderful Eloise!"

"yes, but if I do not unmask him before the prize ceremony she will..."

"she will do what?"

"she did not tell me, only it would be something bad. Very bad."

"Eloise, she cannot threaten you like that.."

"well, she did. She is the queen."

"I do not know what to say..."

"you must help me, cousin, I am afraid" she looks down for a few seconds,

"I think I may know someone who can help us. But you have to rely on me, Eloise, do not ask me how or when or where. I will make sure he unmasks himself. If he agrees with me of course. And then you can tell the queen it was you who made him reveal his identity"

"do you think you can find him?"

"I am connected to the prince now, he knows"

"and you think William will listen to you?"

"he has to. I can be very convincing you know..."

I laugh, "thank you, Olivia"

"no problem" she smiles and I leave her room, bumping into Benedict, who looks like he has been listening to our conversation,

"Are you okay brother?" I ask, "wanted to spy on us?"

"do not be ridiculous Eloise, now let me through please.."

"Just admit it, you were listening to us"

"fine. I was. And you are a fool sister, the queen could ruin us all!"

"what would you have wanted for me to say, tell her she could piss off with her offer?"


"what? It is the truth..."

"Just be careful, please.."

"I will if you stop spying on us"

"I was not spying! Just.. listening.."



NOTE: Hii, sorry for the short chapter, I am running out of inspiration I'm afraid. I really hope the next chapter will be a little better and if you have any ideas for the story, please let me know!

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