Hannah was in tears after hearing the eulogy.

John Constantine: I have to admit, that was beautiful.

Hannah Baker: It really was.

Now they get teleported to the night of the Spring Fling. The moment where Clay tries to stop Tyler from shooting everyone at the dance.

Clay Jensen: Tyler! Tyler, what are you... what are you doing?

Tyler Down: Get out of here, Clay. Go home.

Hannah Baker: Wait, what is this?

John Constantine: Hey, that's the boy who killed that assassin that tried to stop me from helping your parents and your friends escape.

Clay Jensen: No. No, I... Don't... Don't do this, Tyler.

Tyler Down: You need to leave right now.

Hannah Baker: Wait... is he gonna...

John Constantine: It looks like it.

Clay Jensen: (Stammers) Tyler, please, listen to me. You don't wanna do this. I... I know you don't.

Tyler Down: You don't fucking know anything about me.

Clay Jensen: No. No, I do. I do know because I hurt, too. I was pissed off. I didn't realize how bad it was for you. And I'm sorry that I didn't. I should've...

Justin Foley: Clay!

Hannah & Constantine turn to see Justin & Jessica coming out from the gym as Tyler points his gun at them.

Hannah Baker: Oh, my god!

Clay Jensen: Hey, g-go back inside.

Justin Foley: Jesus, Clay!

Clay Jensen: Go inside!

Tyler Down: Get out of my fucking way.

Clay Jensen: Tyler, please. Don't do it.

Tyler Down: I have to.

Clay Jensen: No, you don't have to. You can turn around. You can go home.

The sound of police siren start wailing.

Tyler Down: Everybody knows already.

Clay Jensen: The only people that know are people who know you, and they wanna help you.

Tyler Down: Bullshit.

Clay Jensen: No, look. (Stammers) Tyler, they know you're hurting, we all are. And I don't know what to do about it, either. Okay? I tried hurting other people. I tried hurting you, and it didn't fucking help, man. It doesn't do any good. Listen to me. It doesn't! Tyler, listen. You don't get out of this alive.

Tyler then points his gun at Clay's face as Hannah watches in horror.

Hannah Baker: Clay, NO!

Clay Jensen: And I don't want you to die. I-I don't want you to die. If you think this is the way, if you really think this'll change a goddamn thing and not just be another fucking tragedy that adults cry about for a week and then forget, if you really think this is gonna be different, then do what you gotta do.

John Constantine: That kid has balls.

Clay Jensen: Come on, Tyler. Please?

They now see Tyler lowering his gun as Clay managed to convinced Tyler.

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