Chapter 10

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Amusement Mile, that's where the League of Assassin are holding up. It's in the abandoned subway station where the League are keeping the Bakers & Hannah's friends prison. As they sit there in their prison, they can't stop wondering what they're doing to Jessica. Lots of thought are going through Clay Jensen's mind. First he lost Jeff Atkins, then Hannah, Justin last spring, & now he might've just lost Jessica.

Clay Jensen: What if she's...

Ani Achola: Clay, don't think like that.

Olivia Baker: You have to have faith.

Heidi: Fat luck that worked for him.

Heidi now enters the room.

Heidi: All the trauma poor Clay went through.

Clay Jensen: Tell me, Heidi, was any of it real? Who am I kidding, of course it wasn't.

Heidi: Aw, poor baby. Of course t wasn't it. I just needed to get close to you for when the time came, I would bring you to my master.

Clay Jensen: Your master, meaning Ra's al Ghul.

Heidi: Don't speak ill of him. He saved me. When my parents disowned me I had nowhere to go, that's when he found me. He gave me a home, a family, a purpose.

Tyler Down: So you joined the League of Assassins.

Heidi: Indeed I did. I've never met Hannah, even when she became Prometheus. Which made me perfect to infiltrate your life, Clay.

More assassins enter the room as Heidi unlocks the gate. The assassins enter the cage and unlock everyone's chains and drag them out.

Zach Dempsey: Where are you taking us?

Ani Achola: What did you do to Jess?

Heidi: Don't worry, you'll be joining her real soon.

Alex Standall: What does that mean?

Heidi leads the assassins with their prisoners to the main subway of the station. When they arrive, they see Talia standing there with Jessica.

Alex Standall: Jessica!

Jessica Davis: I'm alright.

Everyone was reunited as they all hug Jessica, thankful that she's safe.

Clay Jensen: Are you alright?

Jessica Davis: I'm fine.

Alex Standall: What did they do to you?

Jessica Davis: Use me as bait. They took me on top of a building and lit up a light with a bat logo.

Clay Jensen: The Batsignal, it's what the police use to call him.

Jessica Davis: Only he didn't show up, it was this other guy and a kid.

Talia al Ghul: Red Robin & Robin. The child is my son, Batman is his father.

Zach Dempsey: You and Batman?

Ani Achola: Gross.

Jessica Davis: She told them to tell Hannah to meet us here or they'll kill us.

Andy Baker: What? Kill us?

Olivia Baker: Hannah is coming?

Talia al Ghul: She has 45 minutes to get here.

Clay Jensen: She'll come.

Jessica Davis: She told them to tell Hannah to come alone.

Tyler Down: So, no Batman?

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