Pillow fight

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Technoblade jumped up out of bed. He look around and saw chaos. Everyone was fighting. Technoblade quickly grabbed a metal bar near by and started to speed walk to another area of the room as unnoticeable as possible. Technoblade continued to walk until he felt another metal rod choking him. He grabbed onto it as he gagged trying to figure out who had the rod.
"Well well well" he heard dream say from behind "look who has all the power now" technoblade grabbed on tight trying to pull out the bar as he felt himself losing air.
"Dream" he managed "please"
Dream pulled tighter "why should I? I already know your the only thing left between me and this prize" he continued "i will not let you take something else from me"
The doors slammed open and the lights turned on as the guards came in with their guns ready to fire. Dream quickly let go causing his metal rod to fall to the ground making a clinking sound echo through the suddenly silent room. Technoblade fell to the floor as he caught his breath again. The guards pushed most of them to the wall with their hands up as they cleaned up the mess.
"Your lucky that the guards walked in" tubbo told techno as they were standing against the wall. "I saw it happen from my bed" he said as he point to one of the beds high in the air. Once they were done searching by they gave everyone breakfast.
Technoblade sat down with philza to eat breakfast.
"That was fun" techno said as they silently ate.
"FUN?!" Tommy shouted at him "YOU CALLED THAT FUN?! SOME OF US DIED!"
Technoblade looked up at Tommy who was now standing on the bed. "Maybe if you weren't such a weak child it would have been nicer for you" Tommy looked at techno, his face filled red with fury. He jumped onto techno as he tried to fight. Techno turned over and pinned him to the floor.
"Let me repeat this" he said partly annoyed "maybe if you weren't such a weak child you would have enjoyed that more" Tommy tried to kick techno but failed. Technoblade let go and walked back to his lunch "now let me finish eating in peace" he said to Tommy who was sitting on the floor out of breath and tired.

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