Among us OC #1

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Full Name: Alexei [REDACTED]
Age: 26
Gender: male
Date of birth: 31/10/[REDACTED]
Assigned color: blue
Assigned role: Crewmate

Personality: Alexei is quiet, kind and patient. He's quite shy around most people but when with a person he trusts he becomes talkactive and more open.



Speed: 7/10
Agility: 10/10
Intelligence: 7/10
Strength: 3/10
Patience: 10/10
Teamwork: 7/10
Energy: 5/10
Acting skills: 9/10


Likes: Alexei for some reason likes electrical. He likes baby crewmates and pets, as well as specific people

Dislikes: he dislikes bright lights. He also dislikes those people that are annoying and hyper 24/7

Talents: Acting and great reflexes

Family(?) : mother and father, both back at earth.

Pet on board: a snake he named 'cobra'

Backstory(?) : nothing much is known, the only thing known is that he has been in space before and got that huge scar going from his ear to the corner of his mouth.

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