Chapter Seven: The Cavalry Battle

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I looked around for people to team up with. Everyone was avoiding Midoriya, which was reasonable. Everyone was instead trying to team up with Shoto and Bakugou. Which again, made sense. Bakugou was, of course, being a cocky bastard about it all. Asking what everyone's names were again. Shoto was being his usual cold self.

"Hey, your name's Ito, right?" I looked behind me and saw a couple students from class 1-B.

* * *

"The Cavalry Battle is going to start momentarily! Get into your groups, riders, remember, you are forbidden to touch the ground. If a rider touches the ground, the rider and their teammates are eliminated." Midnight said.

"Right, let's do the best we can, team!" Tetsutetsu said. I nodded. I had teamed up with Class 1-B kids, Tetsutetsu was the rider of our group, and Juzo Honenuki and Yosetsu Awase.

"Remember, we won't be going for Midoriya, because everyone will be going for him. Since Ito is in Class 1-A, she'll know how to better combat her classmates' quirks." Tetsutetsu said.

"Yes, Bakugou is both a good person and a bad person to go after. He may have anger issues, and does things instinctively, but he is still very smart and intelligent, plus, his horses are powerful as well." I said.

"Right, so who do we go for first?" Awase asked.

I narrowed my eyes as I looked around at the teams surrounding us. "Hagakure's team might be a good bet, sure, they're all very powerful in their own ways, but they're easy to over take in this kind of situation." I said. Tetsutetsu nodded.

"Right! Hagakure it is!" He exclaimed.

"Now that riders have taken place on their horses, the Cavalry Battle shall take place! Fifteen minutes on the clock! Collect as many headbands as you can! Go!" Midnight exclaimed.

"Let's go!" Honenuki shouted. Awase and I started going.

"Should we go after Hagakure's team now or wait it out a bit?" Awase asked Tetsutetsu.

"Let's wait it out a bit, everyone's going to be going after Midoriya's team, besides Monama. Let's just watch out for him." Tetsutetsu said. We all nodded in understanding.

"Ito, since you have an ice quirk, you're our shield. If Monama comes towards us, don't let him touch you, it'll be messy." Tetsutetsu said.

"Alright, I won't let Monama touch me," I said. Tetsutetsu smiled at me. We jogged around the stadium, mostly avoiding Midoriya's team. He definitely had a lot of people after him. Maybe it's a good thing I didn't get first place. That would definitely be a stressful situation to be in.

One of the teams started to come at us, Team Tsunotori. I used my ice to block them before they got too close to us, they stumbled back, and glared at us.

"Take their headband!" Tetsutetsu shouted.

"You're the boss!" Honenuki shouted back as we all started running back towards Team Tsunotori.

Tetsutetsu held out his hand to take the headband as we ran towards them. Kamakiri made blades come out from his body. Honenuki used his quirk to soften the sand and use it to absorb the blade. We stumbled back from the impact, and ran forward again. They were caught off guard and we quickly ran past them, Tetsutetsu grabbed the headband from Tsunotori's head.

"Good job, team!" Tetsutetsu said.

"Hell yeah!" Awase cheered. I smiled at them.

"Ten minutes remaining! YEAH!" Present Mic yelled.

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