Sweet disposition ➵Sirius Black

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You giggled when he finally caught his breath only to stare at you in awe," That was awesome, Y/n."

Thankfully the Eaters of Death had gone away after the humiliation and pain was too much for Lucius and you were left with Sirius looking at you with a smile turning the ends of his pink lips up.

"Why thank you, most people see me as the smiling, nice girl who belongs in Hufflepuff but they couldn't be more wrong," you said, remembering all the times you'd surprised people with your strong personality right underneath your persona.

"I bet I'm about to find out just how bad you are," he smirked and you quirked an eyebrow at his words. "We are going to sneak into Hogsmeade for some butterbeer."

"We as in the boys and you?"

"No, we as in you and me," he said, nibbling on his lower lip nervously and it finally dawned on you.

"You're asking me out," you stated, a mixture of surprise and delight in your voice.

"Yeah, I mean, I'm trying to. I've liked you for a year now and after your amazing fighting skills, I think I'm in love," he gripped his chest dramatically.

"A year? How come you never said anything?"

"I don't know, I mean- you're Pete's sister and you kinda uhh make me nervous," he ran a hand through his hair, chuckling without much humour" I'm terrified right now, actually."

"Don't be," you said, licking your lips," I would love to go on a date with you, considering my gigantic crush on you.'

He stared at you blankly until you shook him," Oh sorry, I'm just screaming on the inside. I'm done now. Shall we?" He offered you a hand which you gladly took giggling at his words, loving the warmth that spread all through your chest.

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6th year:

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"Miss Pettigrew!" Professor McGonagall said sharply, "This is the third time you've arrived late to my class. You have just earned yourself detention. Again."

You gave her a sheepish smile, stepping into the class as you fixed your lopsided tie and robe. Why was it that your robe seemed larger than usual?

Before you could ponder on that question anymore, McGonagall started her class and you tried your best to focus on the class and not to let your gaze wander but like all times you found yourself looking around you, at your classmates, the walls and...the window.

You almost died of shock when you saw Sirius wave at you through the window. Trying to be discreet, you waved back, giving him a grin.

Knowing you wouldn't get any work done if you kept looking at your boyfriend, you set your gaze straight to the teacher. You imagined him pouting at your actions, truly resembling a downtrodden puppy and unable to resist the urge, you looked back towards the window. He grinned, his pout vanishing as he send you a boyish wink and a flying kiss.

You were so involved in sneaking glances at him every now and then that you hardly heard it when the Professor called your name out. Your desk-mate shook you by the shoulder and you were brought back to your senses when you found the whole class staring at you.

"What was is that was so interesting that you just couldn't pay attention to my class?"

"I'm- sorry, miss, I was just looking at the... great weather we're having today!" You cursed internally, realising how dumb that must've sounded, considering that the window faced the inside of the castle. "I'll pay attention now, I swear."

Delicate: Hogwarts Reader OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora