17. Twoset Gloved II

Começar do início

Brett continued to stammer;

"I.. I know that.. You.. you had a nice room. I didn't mean to insult you..."

Eddy sighed.

"Brett.. it.. it sounded like you couldn't stand my filth.."

Brett's eyes shot open in panic.

"N..no!! That's not it Eddy, I swear!!"

Eddy furrowed his brows.

"Brett.. I don't understand."

Brett looked straight at Eddy.

"Can.. we go get some dinner after our tutorial so that I can explain?"

..Say what?

They sat across a small table in a Taiwanese eatery that Brett chose. He said it was his favourite place.

"Brett, I. .thought you were a...germaphobe? How can you eat out?"

Brett shook his head.

"No, Eddy. I've grown tired of going around correcting people and explaining myself so I'm sure that's what everybody thinks.. It must be the gloves.., but I am not a germaphobe."

"You're not?"

"No. I've got OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder"

"..There's a difference?"


"Please. Explain it to me. I want to know."

"Well, excuse me then."

Brett reached out his gloved hand and took Eddy's glass out from the taller's hand. Brett held up the glass in front of Eddy's eyes, rotating is slowly to show the faint grease mark of Eddy's lips on the rim of the glass.

"See this?"

Eddy nodded. He was actually a bit embarrassed to see it.

"It's.. the grease from the fried chicken.."


Eddy then widened his eyes as he saw Brett put his lips on the grease mark on the glass and take a sip of the tea.

"Brett? You.. can..do that..??"

"Yes. Cos I'm not a germaphobe. I don't think you have germs or you're dirty, Eddy."

Eddy blushed as he nodded. Then he looked up.

"Brett...! So that's why you were able to eat the pizza that girl handed to you!"

"What? ..How did you know about that when you weren't even there!?"

"The girls were talking about it. I guess it's confusing to understand your reactions when they think you're a germaphobe."

Brett shrugged.


"Yes, Brett?"

Brett put down Eddy's glass next to his own. He then picked up his own glass and showed it to Eddy. The rim of the glass was spotless. Eddy widened his eyes.

"Brett.. why aren't there any grease marks on your glass..?"

"Because I wipe it every time I take a sip."


"And Eddy.. if you were to now take this glass and take a sip out of it.. I would have a panic attack."

"W, what?"

"I.. I couldn't bear you to.. consume my germs.."

"What? So you... you think you're dirty?"

"In a nutshell, yes."

"Oh my god.. b, but... I wouldn't mind.. I wouldn't mind at all, just like you didn't mind mine.. I could easily take a drink from that glass..."

"I'm at a stage where I understand logically in my head that I shouldn't mind so long as you don't.. But.. I can't.. I can't let you do it. I..The thought of your body or your belongings getting germed up by me is.. just..."

Brett shuddered. He looked like he was in pain.

"I.. I'd freak out."

"Oh. ..okay... I think I'm starting to get the idea."

Eddy reached out across the table in an attempt to get his drink glass back. Brett widened his eyes and stammered.

"N, no..!!"

"Brett? What is it?"

"I.. I can't let you have this glass back either."

"What? But it was my drink to start off with."

"I know. But I drank out of it.. so.. I can't let you use it anymore because.. I.. I've contaminated it."

"Damn it Brett, you haven't. I don't mind. I honestly don't mind at all..."

"I know logically you may not mind Eddy, but I can't!!"

Brett's voice shook.

"Eddy.. I'm sorry.."

Eddy's expression softened.

"Hey it's okay, I'll just get myself another glass, is that okay?"

Brett nodded.

"Okay. I'm just gonna go and get one."

Eddy returned from the eatery's kitchen with a new glass and he poured himself some tea from the pitcher on their table and took a swig, all the while Brett faced his lap, biting his lower lip.

"Brett.. it's okay now, isn't it?"

"Yeah. Look Eddy, I.. I'm sorry to cause so much hassle.."

"Brett, please look at me."

Brett slowly raised his gaze.

"It's okay. So you're a bit different. I just need to learn how you are different so that I don't upset you. Thank you for explaining how things are with you to me."

Brett stared at Eddy. Eddy gazed back at him.

"So Brett.. if I promise I'll do my best not to upset you, will you see me again?"

Brett's eyes widened in surprise.

Vol 2 ~ What if I ain't no Violinist?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora