8. Twoset Tutoring IV (Brett's voice? 3)

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"I've seen it myself, Eddy. So perhaps you are only doing it at tutoring?"

"You have, sir!?"

Eddy bit his lower lip again, this time with concern.

"Yes, you seem to always turn to your left and you appear to be engaged in a deep and interesting conversation"

Eddy's jaw dropped.

Brett sat to Eddy's left in tutoring class.


Eddy tried hard not to let out a giggle.

"Sir.. I.. I wasn't talking to myself."


His teacher kept his gaze kind and concerned.

"Eddy, it's okay. You don't have to try to cover up anything, there is nothing to be ashamed of if you are feeling a bit stressed. ...You were so expressive when you were talking to yourself. I didn't listen in to the entire conversation but I did hear you talk about all sorts of things.. anime, playing the violin.. even about a drink called.. bubble tea?"

Eddy blushed.

"Y.. yes, I would have. But.. I.. I wasn't talking to myself...!!!"

His teacher nodded understandingly.

"Look Eddy.. maybe I should speak to your mother."

Eddy's furrowed his eyebrows.

"M, my mother??"

Oh my god, she would totally FREAK OUT if a teacher from my maths tutoring suddenly rang her!!

"Yes, Eddy. Look, I actually saw it with my own eyes and so I am genuinely concerned about your mental health, especially if you have no awareness of what you've been doing."

Eddy's eyes shot open wide. He was starting to become very concerned about the way the conversation was going.

"Sir, I am fine. I was just talking to the boy sitting next to me."

The teacher furrowed his brows.

"..I beg your pardon?"

"I was chatting with the boy who sits next to me in tutoring class."

"..You mean..you were talking to.. Brett Yang?"

"Y, yes! I.. I didn't know his surname was Yang, but yes, Brett's his name."

The teacher shook his head.

"Eddy.. I know Brett. He doesn't talk. You were the only one doing the talking."

Eddy stammered.

"N, no, sir, that's not true..."

"Eddy.. as I said, I know what I saw.."

"Sir.. but.. I can hear him!"

The teacher almost looked sad.

"Yes, yes, Eddy, of course, in your mind, you can hear him... I really think I should call your mother."

Eddy's eyes widened in panic.

Ooooooooh, my fricking god, I am in so much trouble!!!!!!

"What? What? Whaaaat? Oh my god Eddy! Stop! Take a breath for me and calm down!"

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