10. Twoset Gap Moe

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A/N: Gap Moe

Gap Moe is when a character appears adorable or attractive for showing characteristics or behaviour that is something completely contradictory to what their usual habits, personality, character, or appearance dictates.  The "gap" refers to the "contradiction".


Eddy opened the door to the auditorium. It was almost empty except for one person on the stage. He approached the stage as he called out to the person who was walking among the chairs;

"Hi, excuse me, I'm looking for a Brett Yang?"

The person stopped what he was doing and turned towards Eddy from the stage and smiled.

"Yeah that's me, hi."

"Hi, I'm Eddy, we spoke on the phone. I started today, first violin."

"Hey Eddy, nice to meet you. I'm Brett, concert master."

With surprising agility, Brett jumped down from the stage. They shook hands. Brett had the most delicate, soft and beautiful hands Eddy had ever seen or felt. His smaller frame and a shy smile and beautiful hands all came together as a very attractive package.

"So I'm basically the jack of all trades for the strings section. I'm here to sort stuff out for you guys. So, if you have any problems, please talk to me. So, you just came from the office? Geez they must have taken a lot of time to process your paperwork. It's a shame you missed everyone, we just finished and everyone's gone home. So I'll introduce you to everyone tomorrow morning at rehearsal?"

"Yes, I look forward to meeting everyone tomorrow, thanks."

As Eddy was about to leave the auditorium, he noticed Brett had started putting the chairs on the stage away by stacking them up.

Why is he putting the chairs away all by himself?

Man, surely there were bigger, stronger guys in the orchestra that could've helped? That's so slack of them to piss off home to leave him to do this all by himself?

Eddy turned around, walked away from the auditorium door and went back towards the stage.

"Brett, may I give you a hand?"

Brett looked up and let out a smile.

"Really? We usually just leave the place like this but I just got a call saying they have a presentation in the morning and want the chairs put away.. That's so nice of you, thanks!"

Eddy jumped up onto the stage and started stacking up the chairs in threes.

Nearby, Eddy noticed Brett had stacked up 5 chairs and started to carry them away, making Eddy open his mouth agape and widen his eyes in surprise.

Brett noticed Eddy's facial expression and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Eddy? Is everything okay?"

"..Oh. Um, yeah, so these chairs must be really light, are they?"

Eddy tried to lift up the 3 chairs that were stacked up and he yelped as his back almost gave in with the weight. He hunched over the stack of chairs with one of his hands on his lower back. Brett quickly put down the 5 chairs he had and stepped over to Eddy;

"Oh my god, Eddy, are you alright?"

Embarrassed but in too much pain, Eddy stammered;

"Agh.. these..these bloody chairs.. they're really heavy.."

"Yeah, so they tell me. I never noticed. But they are sturdy as, so I suppose they are solidly built."

Eddy furrowed his brows in disbelief.

"You.. never.. noticed?"

Brett smiled shyly.


Eddy shook his head.

"Nevermind. So if you seriously don't mind carrying these chairs, can I stay here and stack them for you and you could take them back to the storage room?"

Brett smiled.

"Sure, sounds like a great idea."

Brett lifted up the three chairs Eddy had just tried to lift up. He put them on top of his original pile of 5 chairs, then carried the newly formed stack of 8 chairs away with such ease as if they were an empty cardboard box.

Eddy stared at Brett as he left the stage. He then quickly shook his head and got to work. He needed to stack as many as possible before Brett came back.

When Brett made it back to the auditorium, Eddy had managed to make three stacks of chairs stacked in threes.

"Great, thanks Eddy."

Brett grabbed a stack of chairs, put them on top of another to make a stack of six, then put the third stack on top to make a stack of nine, lifted them up with ease and carried them away, leaving Eddy in shock again.

"Hey Eddy, thanks so much for staying behind and helping me, it would've taken me so much longer to finish otherwise, I really appreciate it."

"No problems."

"Did you wanna go grab a bite for dinner? I'm a bit hungry after all that lifting and carrying."

"Oh. Well I can't blame you.. I.. I can't believe how strong you are Brett."

"Am I? I never noticed."

Eddy chuckled.

"So you keep saying..."

They went to a Taiwanese restaurant.

"Eddy, this is my favourite place. You can't go wrong with anything here. Did you wanna get your own thing or are you good to share?"

"Oh, I'd be happy to share. If you know this place so well, would you mind doing the ordering? I'm happy with anything so long as it doesn't have mushrooms in it.. I mean they can, but I'll be putting them all into your bowl if you don't mind.  But otherwise, I would love to try what you like here."

"Actually I do mind if you put mushrooms into my bowl, I can't stand them either.  But don't worry, there won't be any mushrooms in anything I order tonight.  This is great, I won't have to feel guilty requesting no mushrooms in our dishes!"

Eddy let out a chuckle.

"You serious? That's great!"

"Yeah.  Okay, so Eddy, can you go grab us a table, I'll just go order now and join you in a minute."

Eddy took a seat at a table at the back of the eatery and had poured themselves a cup of tea from the pot on the table when Brett joined him.

"Okay, orders are done. I hope you like what I ordered for us."

"I'm sure I will. I like everything."

"Good. And if I didn't order enough you can always order more."

Eddy looked up at Brett as he was taking his seat and smiled.

Maybe he said that because he doesn't eat much. I suppose he's kinda petite and slender.

Eddy almost fell off his chair when 6 plates of food and an enormous bucket of rice arrived.

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