English essay on confabulations

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I ran down the stairs into the TV room where my mom was watching TV. There they were, several big kids dancing about trying to promote some music CD. right there on the t.v. The kids were tall and mature and by the looks of them, they definitely already hit double digits! Some of them even looked like they had even started becoming teenagers.  My eyes lit up. I couldn't wait until I was old enough to listen to that CD.

Okay so when I was about 6 years old I used to see these music commercials all the time. I didn't really know the name of it because I only saw these commercials about every  7 or 8 months but I had no idea why my mom wouldn't get me one of the CDs so I sort of confabulated that I wasn't old enough to get one. Chapter 5 of Brene Brown's book is about confabulations and it got me remembering about how I sort of confabulated this whole idea that I wasn't old enough to get these music CDs.Basically in chapter 5 it talks about how we sometimes make up stories about things that put us down. In my case it was believing that I was too young and insignificant to enjoy that music.
While Brown says making up stories can help anxiety and depression,  confabulations are not healthy and she teaches how if we become aware of what we're doing then things will be a lot better.
Brown says people who waddle into discomfort in vulnerability are the real badasses in the world. And she believes that having the courage to reckon with our emotions is the path to writing our brave stories. This is my brave story.
if I didn't believe that I was too young to listen to that music then maybe I would have had a better shot at actually joining the group.
Like I said before I've been seeing these music commercials since I was about 5 years old and I couldn't understand why I never got to listen to any of the CDs except on the commercials. So I decided that it must be because I was too young. And I kept this belief up for years even in the second grade when I ended up throwing a fit and getting kicked out of a car which was playing the music for my girl scout group.
Even when I was in 6th grade and one of my friends even told me if I didn't start listening to the music soon it could be too late.
Even when I slowly became more and more aware that my entire confabulation was total bull.
Finally when I did believe that I was old enough. I listened to the music. I was 12 years old, and I wasn't even sure I would like the music but I was so curious after seeing their commercials for so many years. And I was so happy that I was finally old enough to listen to it. Guess what music it was? The band's name was Kidz bop. I couldn't have been any more wrong. And if I hadn't waited so long to listen to the music and become a fan I probably could have auditioned and become one of the Kidz bop kids. I mean I doubt I would have made it but I at least would have tried. This confabulation caused me to regret never trying to audition. It also caused me to feel like I was young and insignificant. Like maybe I wasn't good enough to enjoy that music. conflabations are not healthy and i shouldn't have been so insecure about myself. i hope one day i will become more aware of my conflabations and stop making unhealthy stories about stuff. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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