Once she was out of earshot, she answered the call. "Hello?" 

"Hey, Venus. Think you can run down to the station? We have a case I think you might like," Dick spoke, voice coming statically through the phone. 

Venus raised her brows, intrigued. Dick worked at the police department as a detective when he wasn't busy being Nightwing, and Venus helped occasionally when she was bored. Dick did all the thinking, she did all the punching. They made a great team, and it didn't disturb Venus's life of normalcy; normal people can be police officers, right? 

She looked towards the table and shrugged, grinning slightly. She loves Ryder, but busting crime with Dick sounds much more fun. "I'll be there in 10." 

She hung up and jogged back. "I gotta run, tell Ryder I'm not paying him back." Jem only shrugged, bopping his head to his music while Mandy waved halfheartedly as she examined her nails. Venus's grin grew. What fun they were.


"Alright, so who're we busting?" Venus asked Dick, cracking her knuckles. She shrugged on his long coat in attempt to look more professional, popping the collar. Like one of those badass cops on tv. 

Dick cracked his neck as he continued to pass around paperwork to his busy coworkers. The station was crowded and buzzing with life; crime never really did take the day off. "We have a new vigilante in town. Ten dead so far, same bullet wounds. It appears that the victims all had criminal charges--" 

"All had criminal charges?" Venus cocked her head to the side, crossing her arms. 

"Yeah, they all had some sort of criminal past; robberies, assaults, murders. All found dead in public streets and alleyways," Dick confirmed, accepting a coffee with a nod from one of the passing cops. 

She squinted, clicking her tongue. "And we wanna catch this guy?" 

He looked at her in exhaustedly, throwing his bag over his shoulder. "Yes, he's killing people, Venus. Now come on. Gordon's waiting for us with a team."

The two quickly exited the building, Venus's stolen coat trailing behind them. Dick threw his coffee to the side and adjusted his holster. 

"So, what's the plan?" Venus drawled, wishing she had a gun. She was never allowed a gun, something about not being approved or licensed, which was complete bullshit. But she herself was a weapon, she supposed. Being an enhanced human being and all. 

He led her to his car and they got in hastily. "We're meeting up with Gordon, he's got a fresh body downtown. We'll try to see if this guy left any trails, he couldn't have gotten far." He started the car and drove off, smacking Venus's head against the head rest.

"Cool," Venus nodded, rubbing the back of her head. "And you don't have any more info on this guy?"

"No, he just seemed to pop up," Dick said, stressed. Venus scoffed and stretched her feet onto the dashboard. 

"You seem worried," She noted. "You think this guy is gonna be a problem?" 

He shoved her feet off the dashboard and shrugged passively. "He definitely will be."

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