Y/N Willsworth

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Aliases: Sugar
Sword/Gun Lady
Shadow Lady
Birthplace: Resembool
Date of Birth: 1897
Age: 17 actual age (Roy, Riza, Kayla, Lexis, Alysa, Meg) , 14 fake age (thought by Ed, Al, Winry, everyone else), (20 by the end)
Family: Arven Willsworth (father, deceased)
Cameron Willsworth (mother, deceased)
Kayla Willsworth (sister, alive)
Edward Elric (lover - husband, alive)
Alphonse Elric (brother-in-law, alive)
Trisha Elric (mother-in-law, deceased)
Van Hohenheim (father-in-law, deceased)
Affiliations: Willsworth Engineering and Automail
Amestrian State Military
Species: Human
Occupation: Automail Mechanic
Lieutenant Colonel
Undercover Colonel
Rank: (Wakame: I haven't watched FMA for a while, but I am rewatching it, it's just that I don't find the time, so Idk about this...help?)
Abilities: Sword fighting
Martial Arts
Skilled Automail Specialist and Mechanic
Slight Alchemist
Weapon: Sword
Anything around her
Unique Trait: Can put up sweet personality
High intelligence
Curl of red hair
Hiding dark secrets
Goal: To see the stars with her own family

Y/N is another person short for their height, currently growing up to 5'0. Because she is different from others she is not accepted often, although she managed to get into the Amestrian State Military. She works undercover and rarely comes back to complete a mission (Wakame: Idk what they do I forgot!!! T^T plz don't tear me apart, I'm only harmless seaweed!!!) She has pure white hair, which makes her made fun of as an old lady, but has bright red eyes, which make people mistake her as one with the demon. In her hair she lets a part of her hair curl which in fact is red. She calls it her e-zone (Wakame: *cough* *cough* Hetalia *cough* reference *cough* *cough*), so she makes sure no one touches it. She often puts it in a side tail. (Wakame: Oh noes not the side tail!!!!! Ahem...if you know what I mean... *cries in the corner*)

She wears a rufflely white shirt along with a red knee length skirt. She has white socks and brown boots. On trips she would often wear a navy blue coats that reaches down to her hips, under that she has white button up collar shirt and for pants they are blue. Ever so often she would wear black shorts. To overcome Winry she wears something that appears to make her have an sex appeal, not that she already does but yeah.

As a young girl she was quite the rebel. She isn't the sweet girl you know now. She gets offended easily by the mention of her family, and because of that she is a bit bipolar. Aside from that when not angered or provoked she is really sweet and caring, she doesn't really give much care if you tell her to do things for you even if you're lazy. She just does it without complaints. But she does change after a mysterious death of her mom and dad, Kayla being the only one to survive. What could she be hiding under that personality?

Wakame: I'll make another one later in the story, I hope you enjoy or something. Go ahead and comment if I did something wrong, or maybe even a suggestion for the next chapters, I might just choose that idea ^_^

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