Noelle's and Felix's History

Comenzar desde el principio

And so he did. When they arrived, Lamar could smell about three people; all of them were mouth watering. While she picked out a boat to drive, Lamar fed from all of them until he was full. He couldn't believe the mess he had made with the top of his shirt stained in blood. And he didn't regret it.

Noelle picked the fastest speed boat and then touched it. "Fasmos!" She murmured. The engine of the boat came to life and it took off speeding into the night. The speed didn't affect them.

She had a water bottle and a towel, offering it to Lamar as he kept his eyes on her. She wasn't like Jaide, or the Devil or one of his angels. He knew that she was different.

Taking the towel and wetting it, he cleaned and wiped his chin free of blood first. "So who's this Felix guy? What does he want with Jaide? What's y'all beef?"

She chuckled and replied, "I don't have beef with Felix. He's my egotistical ex who's also a badass Nephilim. He's bigger than Jaxton. And his wingspan is longer than Jaxton's as well."

"What did he take Jaide?"

"Simple, because he hates the Devil and anything involved with him. He'll starve her so that she'll be weak and then he'll torture her to an extent what she'll succumb to her wombs and die while he watch. He gets pleasure out of that."

She deserves whatever that's going to happen to her, but he felt as though Noelle was holding back on more information.

"Okay, but why are we going after her? Why is she so important to him when she's just some whore to him!" Lamar was baffled and getting frustrated. He could be going on with his happy and probably never ending life to live alone, but he's rescuing his ex that made him eat the flesh of another woman! He knew Jaide always had a hot temper, but he didn't think she was extreme in getting her revenge.

"That's why you're just like her. Made to spend the rest of your days with a dark hunger. Your next girlfriend might be a homicide thanks to your condition," Noelle grinned. "But don't worry. Whenever you get tired of being the way you are, there's a special seat in hell for you."

"You would know?" He challenged her.

"I do."

"Why are you taking up for her? You and everyone else don't know the real Jaide!" He argued.

"Oh and you know the real her? Is that why you had to kill her first?"

"I didn't -" he was about to challenge her again until a quick memory flashed of him getting a knife from the kitchen and going after her before stabbing her. She wouldn't listen and he knew she wasn't going to come back.

"At least I was able to kill my ex. Seems like this Felix guy is a problem in the Devil's ass."

"Touché," she rolled her eyes and turned her head away. "The bigger a Nephilim is, the harder it's skin is to penetrate. It's like a thick barrier. Not every demon can just kill a strong Nephilim. It takes a special kind of hell angel to match their power. You'll see."

Felix had Jaide right in the middle of the cold waters. The cargo ship that he used had anchored and only the top deck lights were on. Lamar didn't want to participate but he was silently betting that Jaxton would get to her first, and Noelle would die at the hands of her ex and he'd get off scotch free to live the rest of his miserable and blood sucking days as he is.

"Are you coming?" Noelle asked him.

"No," he shook his head. "I got you and the other guy this far. I don't think there's much I can do."

"Whatever," she murmured and then grabbed a hold of the huge chain. Lamar watched as she kicked off from the surface and launched into the air. He didn't wait another minute to wait and went over to the motor.

Lamar cranked up the engine and then steered away, making his escape.

Noelle grimaced and gritted her teeth as she watched him disappear into the night. Someone cackled from behind her and she quickly turned to see it was Jaxton.

"Damn girl! You work faster than I thought," he said.

"You think I'm going to leave her in your hands?"

"What is with this Jaide broad anyway?" He tilted his head from side to side.

"Nothing, but our only hope for sniffing her out as fled. Do you got any tricks up your sleeve?"

"I think I can try a little something," he said. Noelle silently watched when Jaxton lowered himself to the ground and touched the floor with the palm of his hands. He searched for them, hearing multiple heartbeats.

Raising up, Jaxton says, "I never knew Felix to work with others but he's not alone. I guarantee that there's others on the same level as him below deck. We need to have a plan."

"There is no plan. Either you help me kill them all or I do it myself and get Jaide!" she said and spun around. Jaxton ran up to follow behind Noelle as she quickly walked away.

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