❇Four ❇

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"nothing dear son, just heard about the news and wanted to congratulate you"
Jaehyun widened his eyes at his father's words.
"listen here you old man, don't you dare to even think about acting smart and do something to him understand?!"
Venom was dripping out of jaehyun's mouth as his blood boiled just thinking about his father hurting his mate.

"relax, I won't do anything if you don't ever meet him again-"
Describing what Jaehyun is feeling as anger is an understatement, he just met his mate that almost rejected him and now his father is asking him to leave him. He can't. He was actually trying to find a plan to slowly win taeyong's trust to get accepted.

"you have to tho, he is not a royal like you-" the mockery was evident in his tone, and that ircked Jaehyun to have his mere example of a father talk like that about his mate after killing his parents.

"and what exactly do you know about royalty huh? You think it's just being born in a family that lives in a castle while feeding off the poor peoples' hunger and poverty??!"
"how dare you-"
"no let me finish, I'm not a child anymore you can't control me like before so don't even dream about separating me and my mate, and I swear to God if you even think about touching a strand of his hair I'm not sparing you and you know damn well what I can do."

With that he ended the call while panting hardly from anger, harshly he plopped himself on the king sized bed, his thought drifted to his mate he couldn't help but call yuta asking him for taeyong' s address which the latter gave to him happily, hoping his best friend would finally settle things down with his mate.

With taeyong.

He was laying in his bed after arriving from the hangout, deep in his thoughts about his mate,not even noticing the tears falling down his pretty face.

"why just why him out of all the people why?!?" he screamed as he finally broke down, his face turning red from the yelling.
"I hate that I can't reject him too, I don't have it in my heart to reject him when he didn't do anything wrong. But I don't want to be associated with that lame king-"
His rambling stopped as he heard the bell ringing, quickly he wiped his tears and tried to make himself presentable. Slowly he went to the door, took a deep breath and opened the door.

"yes who is this-"
"hi taeyong"
Wait. This voice. It can't be. He looked up at a concerning pace for his neck, only to be met with his mates coffee brown ones.
How did he know his house? Why is he here? What does he want? Can he see my tears that's threatening to fall? It's probably a dream, am I this tired that I'm hallucinating things??

His thoughts were interrupted by his mate coughing.
"so you're really here"
He said as he stepped aside letting his mate in his house.
"I'm sorry for coming at such a late time but it's just-  wait. Taeyong are those tears? Taeyong are you crying? Why is your face puffy?"
Jaehyun immediately held his mate's face tenderly in his hand, his eyes showing how worried he is.

"it's nothing.." it came out as a whisper as his glassy eyes avoided those worried ones of his mate.
"taeyong, I know we're not close yet and u know it's still hard for you to accept me and I understand that. But please remember that you can always come to me whenever you need a shoulder to lean on, and if you're uncomfortable since I'm your mate you can see me as a friend. "
He smiled in reassurance as his mate  broke down on hearing these words.

"jaehyun why fate have to be this tough on me huh?"
He asked as he felt a pair of strong arm wrap around him while he buried his face in the taller's neck trying to seak any sort of comfort.

Lifting taeyong, Jaehyun headed deeper into the cozy apartment where his mate's scent got stronger, he entered the first room he saw which for his luck is taeyong's bedroom, he sat down on the bed with his mate on his lap as he let him sob  and poor his heart out on what's bothering him. After some time taeyong finally calmed down as Jaehyun kept rocking him back and forth, the loud sobs that went through the whole apartment turned into small hiccups, and the tight grip taeyong has on Jaehyun's shirt loosen up as the smaller went into deep sleep.

Jaehyun carefully laid his mate on the bed but taeyong didn't allow him to. "don't go... Please" he whispered as he opened his puffy eyes only to be met with a dimpled smile from his mate.
"it's OK baby go back to sleep I'm not going anywhere" Jaehyun smiled as he laid beside the younger and coverd both of them up and wrapped his hand around his mate's skinny frame, pulling him closer which the younger happily accepted and snuggled closer to the taller, too tired to think of anything at the moment beside sleeping.

The older admired the angel like features in front of him with the softest smile on his face, making a promise to himself to never let anything hurt the beauty laying beside him before sleep took over him.

The next day taeyong woke up to tight grip around his waist and an unusual amount of warmth from beside him, snuggling deeper into the warmth with a smile enjoying every second of it, until realization dawned on him that someone is laying beside him. Without opening his eyes he pushed away body beside him with a screeching scream.

Opening his eyes he found his mate laying on the floor while rubbing his head.
"shit omg Jaehyun I'm so sorry I didn't notice it was you"
He immediately went to the floor to check if his mate got injured.
"it's ok taeyong, don't worry it's nothing serious I understand you, it's actually my fault I shouldn't have layed beside you sorry about that-"
A kiss. Taeyong kissed jaehyun's cheek in an attempt to shut him up.

"stop with your rambling, I'm not uncomfortable with you laying beside me I was just surprised plus it's not your fault" taeyong said as he pouted with his red cheeks as he looked away, but Jaehyun was mentally too panicked to understand anything taeyong was saying.
'holy shit he just kissed me, I mean it's on the cheek but he still KISSED me.'
"Jaehyun.. Jaehyun-ah..... H-hyunnie"
Trying to get his dozed off mate's attention, taeyong called his name but it didn't work.

Jaehyun was still in his own land until the nickname made it's way towards his ears getting  his full attention,he snapped his neck in the speed of light and faced his mate who still had that rosy color dancing on his cheeks.
"what did you just call me?"
He asked as he looked intensely at his nervous mate.
"n-nothing sorry just forget about it-"
"no. Repeat what did you say"
He asked firmly scaring the shaking male in front of him.
"I said H-hyunnie.. Sorry I didn't mean-"
He couldn't hide his excitement, until he started slipping some very private thoughts taeyong especially shouldn't know about.

"so that means you like it? Can I use it more often?"
Taeyong looked at the older with doe eyes shining in excitement that his mate liked the nickname he gave to him.
"I FREAKING LOVE IT ARE YOU KIDDING-  shit. I mean yeah you can I don't mind." he smiled softly as he looked at those huge mirrors reflecting the universe in them feeling like he's drowning.
"thank God you scared me for a second, you look scary when you're serious" taeyong smiled sheepishly as his mate rubbed his neck while his ears turned red.
"sorry I was just processing the fact that you gave me a nickname, didn't mean to scare you" Jaehyun smiled softly.

"don't worry it's alright, sooo are we now friends?" taeyong spoke with excitement laced in his voice, internally proud of the face that he's making progress with his mate, slowly but at least it's something.
While on the other side jaehyun's heart broke at the word 'friends'.
'we're mates we should be more than just friends' jae, jaehyun's wolf said almost annoyed.
'be grateful he want anything to do with us in the first place' internally rolling his eyes Jaehyun shut down his wolf before averting his attention to his mate that's waiting for his answer.

"it's OK if y-you don't want though"
Taeyong said nervously as he noticed his mate taking a lot of time, while the other hand Jaehyun smiled sadly trying to hide that he's hurting from the request.
"no no of course I want to, my mate want to be friends with me what more do I want?" he said bitterly at the word 'freinds'while he kept his smile on.

"soooo, friends?"
"sure my dear mate, friends."


Sorry it took some time, have a nice day

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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