"It doesn't hurt anymore."

Right... he had a lot of stamina when we... we. Yeah.

"Ronnie is right. Let the police do their job," Nicole says.

"And wait here until one of us gets hurt? Pass. I'll bring my..." Irène says.

"Shut up! Everyone can hear you," I whisper annoyed at Irène.

"Guys, stop fighting. She is right. We should find him by ourselves. He is only one man," Dominic says and it's the first time he isn't reasonable at all.

"He could hurt one of you," I whisper as my eyes accidentally lay on Derek's light blue eyes.

Dominic, Derek, and Irène stand up.

I follow Irène as she runs back to our dorm to grab her gun from the baggage. She puts in the pin code.

"You really shouldn't carry it there. If the college guards ever stop you-"

She interrupts me. "Worry about yourself."

Dominic and Derek stand near our door as Irène takes out her gun and puts it in the back of her jeans.

They are insane. We just came back. I don't like this.

"You don't even know where to look for him," I say as I look at Irène leaving the room.

I follow them as fast as I can until we reach Derek's car.

"I want to come too," I add.

"No. Bye," Dominic says and I laugh annoyed as I open the rear door to the car before he can stop me. I get inside.

"It's cold. Just go inside."

It's January and I'm only wearing a tank top but the car is warm enough... the problem will be once we are out there.

"Veronica, get out," Derek says authoritatively and I stare at him through the rear-view mirror.

He doesn't look away and I don't move. Dominic opens the door and pulls me out against my will.

"Guys! It's not fair. I can't leave you alone."

"You would just get us in more danger," Dominic says as he puts me down again and closes the door. Derek locks the car doors.

I look at Derek and Dominic for a few seconds before they leave the parking lot. My skin gets instant goosebumps from the cold and I sigh frustrated. I know it was dumb to want to go, but I desperately needed to go. I don't know why.


I keep opening my eyes and checking Irène's bed hoping she came back. I haven't heard anything from them in hours.

I want to sleep and Nicole's heavy breathing isn't helping, but who am I kidding? I won't be able to sleep until I know they are okay. Their idea is reckless.

I sit up and check the time. 3 am. They've been gone all day.

I open the door slightly and the light from the hallway suddenly shines through the door crack.

I'm still in my pajamas and I try to cover my breasts with my arms as I walk through the hallway. It's pretty darn cold around here.

I check if there are any guards but nothing. It's not like they control us too much. We are allowed to leave and come whenever we please as long as we don't make too much noise.

I walk to the parking lot and it's filled with cars. I quickly spot the car Irène, Derek and Dominic gifted me. It still feels surreal and wrong. I shouldn't have accepted it.

Gone Girl 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon