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Zion was looking at the mysterious girl working the bar. She was intriguing to him and he didn't know why. She was beautiful yes indeed but it seemed as if something was telling him to walk over to her. Yet when he was about to, he seen her smiling all up in somebody's face.

Zion shrugged it off like it was nothing and focused his attention back on the baddie that was beside him talking his ear off. She just wouldn't shut up. Talking about her kids and baby daddies. She was looking for a meal ticket and it wasn't about to be him. He wasn't taking care of no women who had nothing going for herself. And let alone her kids.

She had 5 kids by 7 different niggas. That's not okay to him. Had it had been one kid that would have been different. He wouldn't dare be that nigga that took care of a whole bunch of offsprings that wasn't his. No shade thrown to the ones who but, he couldn't.

He seen it as, if you can't take care of yours you don't need to be having unprotected sex and that was just it.

"Baby you listening to me?" The girl asked Zion. He was too busy watching Lyric exit the club. But before she left she looked his way and smiled and gave him a seductive ass wink.

He felt himself hard at just the look at her. Since she worked here he would be sure to come back just to speak to her.

"Damn, and she gotta fatty too," he said to himself.


Lyric woke up to her phone ringing. It was no one other Mackenzi. Lyric looked at Cayden who was moving around the bed with his eyes still closed.

"Yes." Lyric yawned into the phone.

"Where you at? You were supposed to be home last night but I come in and you're not here.

You bet not be nowhere getting high." Mac scolded her like he was her dad.

"You are not my dad Mac. And no I'm not getting high. I just woke up."

"Yea okay, well can you go to the store for me. We need shit for the house anyways."

"Are you home?"

"No, I'm out handling business."

"Okay send me the list of what you need and I'll get it." Lyric got up from the bed and hung up the phone after saying they loved each other.

"Who the hell you on the phone with? Talking about you love them." Cayden found himself trying to check Lyric.

"I was talking to my friend. No get up you have to take me home." Lyric demanded and Cayden abided. This was one of the many problems with Cayden. He would let her run him over. He would run her all over this town if she let him.

She didn't want anyone like that. That's why Mac was good for her. He knew when and how to put her in her place. He was the only male that ever knew how to deal with her without him having to put his hands on her.

You would think being beaten for your mouth and certain things you do would make you stoop, but no. Not Lyric, she only got worse.

Cayden gave Lyric more money then usually did and dropped her off at home. Lyric went into the house, showered and changed and got into her car. She had a car but she rarely ever drove it since she was always drunk or high. Mac didn't allow her to drive like that. He wouldn't know what to do if he lost her like that.

And since everyone loved Lyric the way that they did she was always able to get drives to and from work without a problem. Lyric was an easy person to love but also an easy person to hate. There was no inbetween with her. Either you love her or you hate her.

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