Freddy (1967)

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Little Nancy, now five thanks to it being her birthday, happily ate her morning breakfast

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Little Nancy, now five thanks to it being her birthday, happily ate her morning breakfast. She picked her dress out herself for her day of preschool, happy that she once again gets to spend the day with her best friend Freddy.

Nancy practically jumped out of her fathers car, forgetting a picture she made for her best friend.
Don got out of his car and called for his young daughter, catching the attention of Freddy, who was outside working on the flowers.

He smirked seeing Nancy freeze in her running pose.Freddy chuckled to himself, hiding his smiling face with his brown hat. He glanced up to watch as her little face lite up when she noticed him sitting at the side of the building. She waved with a smile and he waved in return, waving the little tool he was using in the air.

"NANCY!" Don called again, clear in his tone he was done. The child turned around and made fast work of standing in front of her father. "You know the rules young lady, no running around by yourself, a car could have got you! Now do to it being your birthday and the fact that your actually excited for school now- We will forget your little mistake, but Nancy, it better not ever happen again. It's dangerous and I don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to you-Your my baby girl. My only child and I want you safe-Okay?" Don asked, now bent to his little girls level.

"Okay Daddy, I'm sorry, I just really wanna see my best friend." Nancy said with a smile. Don smirked. "I'd like to meet this Freddy kid. Who's is parents? Maybe we could have him over for a play date?" Nancy's little eyes lite up even more. "Really?! I-I've never met his parents before-I'll ask him today daddy!" Nancy said giving her father a big hug.

Though he thought his daughter never meeting Freddys parents was odd- Since all the kids got picked up together, what Don didn't know was that Freddy wasn't a little child at the preschool.

"Now it would also help if you remembered your bag and your little art book too." Don said handing his daughter her pink backpack, she took her art book and a few loose pages flew out.

"I got em." Don said Pickering his daughters drawings up.

A crudely drawn picture in crayon had the police deputy freeze for a moment. The other person in the picture was a lot taller that the little stick person Nancy made for herself. She put her Nancy as well as her friends name so Don knew who the art work was about. The bigger stick person had what seemed to be a brown hat on his head and flowers were all around them with a smiling don up above.

"Who's this?" He asked handing the last page to his daughter. "That's me and Freddy." Don gulped glancing from his daughter to the building. "Time for you to get inside." He took his daughters hand and walked her to the doors.

"Have a good day honey." He called waving to his daughter. When he turned to leave a man in a brown hat got his attention.

"Morning." Don called with a smile. Freddy looked up from his work and tried his best to smile. "Morning." He echoed.

"I'm Don Thompson. My wife, daughter and I all moved to town about a year ago. Have you met my daughter Nancy? Mr.-" Freddy stood up.

"Krueger, Fred Krueger. I'm the gardener here." He said taking his hat off. He didn't like the way the officer was watching him. He dusted his hand off on his pants and shook the other mans outstretched hand, he didn't like the look in Dons eyes.
"Nancy- Yes she's a sweet kid." Fred said as he got his pack of cigarettes out of his brown paints. "Fred, that's short for Freddy right? Do you have any children Fred?" Don hoped for a split second that he did have a son named after him and that's who his daughter became friends with, not this adult man.

"No." He said blowing out smoke. Don huffed. "You shouldn't do that working at a school!" He snapped. Fred scoffed. "I'm allowed as long as it's outside and when the kids are in class." He answered done with Don. "Look-I don't know why my daughter befriended you- But this ends now-Freddy." Fred scoffed.

"Actually I befriended her. She was crying everyday you or your wife dropped her off. She begged her mother not to leave her here, like I'm sure she did you. The other children were rude and cruel to her, they still are actually . Your daughter was always alone. Sitting alone in class, playing alone outside and eating alone. So I felt for her and asked her one afternoon if I could eat with her. The teachers know Nancy and I are friends. It's no different than a teacher giving a student attention." Dons face twisted into one of anger and hate.

"NO! No it's not. A teacher gets paid to teach a child what they need to know in life once they've grown. Math, science, history, English and every other blasted subject. You are a gardener for the school, you have no business being around my daughter or talking to my daughter- Your friendship is over and if I ever see or hear that you spoke one word to Nancy I'll have you arrested!" Don snapped, now in the other mans face.

"Arrested for what?" Fred asked with narrowed eyes. "Being there for a sad, lonely little girl when her parents weren't?!" Don shoved Freddy and he fell back onto the grass. "Force now officer?" He asked with a look. "Stay the fuck away from Nancy or you'll be sorry you sick twisted pervert!" Don snapped, before he started back to his car.

He needed to find everything out about the preschools gardener Fred Kruger.

Freddy sneered watching as the man drove off. He dusted his hat off and picked his still lite cigarette off the ground before placing it back in his mouth.

Nancy gave her friend the art and showed him her favorite dress. "Beautiful Nancy." Fred had said with a happy smile. Freddy pushed Nancy on the swings, the child laughed and talked telling Freddy about her weekend. "It all sounds like it was a lot of fun Nancy." Freddy said after she finished her story. "It was but it would have been way more fun if I had you there- Hey my daddy said I can invite you over for a play date Freddy! Dosnt that sound fun!?!" The man sighed and stopped pushing the girl. "Nancy, do your mother and father know that I'm not the same age as you? Do they know I'm a grown up?" He asked already knowing the answer after Don threatened him that very morning to stay away from Nancy.

The child blinked. "I-I don't know-Why dose it matter though? We are still best friends right?" The child asked confused. "Right. Your still my little Nancy, but I don't think me going to your home would be a good idea." The man said softly.

Don sat in his office reading over the files he found.

Fred Kruger was born the son of one of a hundred maniacs and the son of a nun Amanda Kruger.
The woman was mistakably locked in a cell with some prisoners and was rapped.

As a child he grew up in foster homes. He didn't finish high school and ended up serving a small term in jail for harming his then girlfriend Maggie.

Since he was let out of jail he stopped drinking and got a job at the local preschool, living in the basement. Don was horrified.

How did he get that job, why was he living there and why was he after Nancy?

Don would save his little girl-He would.

Updated. What do you think???

Nightmare On Elm Street:Freddy's Little Nancy. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن