Chapter 7 | Harris

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Leona's POV ⭐

A week passed by quickly and every night I used to sleep in Rafe's room and he never said anything about it, he never taunted me about it.

But I failed to delete that video from his phone and he has been blackmailing me with it ever since, making me do things I don't want to. Like making me attend every other meeting with him, I mean he doesn't need me in every meeting.

"I want you to learn, you are also the CEO now." Was what he said as he forced me to go to another meeting.

Yes, I wanted to work as the CEO ever since I was a child but now I realise how hectic it can be. It's exhausting and stressful. I am enjoying being a boss but at the same time, I am hating it.

Father and mother called me on every alternative day to check on me, whether I was okay or not, whether I had lunch and dinner.

And Rafe had the audacity to complain to father about how lazy I am on which father scolded me, well in his own polite way.

"Daughter, I know you hate him but you need to listen to him. He's more experience and he is going to teach you how to handle the company and stuff." Father told me the yesterday over video call making me roll my eyes.

"And you know what, he even poured a bucket of cold water over me to wake me up and he even recorded that and now he is not deleting it!" I complained.

Father chuckled at that but when I scowled at him, he became serious. "Okay, I will tell him to delete that video, happy?"

I nodded. "Yes. Thank you."

And thankfully, Rafe deleted that video but not before he mocked me saying that I am kid for complaining things to my father.

"Stop daydreaming about me and focus on the meeting." He whispered, gently nudging my shoulder. And I glared at him.

"I would die before I would ever daydream about you.", I spoke in a low voice.

"Yeah, sure." He rolled his eyes sarcastically. "I know you have wet dreams about me every night."

That made me choke on air as I started coughing hysterically gaining the attention of everybody in the room.

Rafe was silently snickering to himself and he passed me a glass of water and gestured to others to continue the meeting. I took a sip of the water, glaring at Rafe from the corner of my eyes.

Taking a deep breath to calm myself down I placed down the glass. "Are you fucking serious? Why would I have..." I cleared my throat. "...wet dreams about you?! I don't know how you fit that ego of yours inside your small brain. You are an idiot and--"

He placed his index finger on my lips, his eyes focused ahead instead of me. "Shh...focus on the meeting, kid. You have a lot to learn." Grabbing his finger, I shoved it back to him harshly.

Fucking asshole.

I finally focused on the meeting which was very boring. My eyes fell on the man sitting opposite to me, on the end of the long table.

He looked to be in his mid twenties, dressed in a black suit and had attractive features. His dirty blonde hair gelled back and his clear blue eyes focused on me. He smiled at me softly and I smiled back at him.

He was cute.

I then averted my eyes from him but even then I could feel him looking at me. My eyes once again met his and he again smiled at me. Not wanting to look rude or something, I smiled back and again looked away.

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