ch.10 Avni get drunk

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Avni goes to bar counter.

You have torture me a lot now i will show who is Avni said Avni and add sleeping pills to neil‘s drink and smirks.

Now you i will see how you will torture me tonight said avni to herself and smirks.

Avni bring neil‘s drink to neil.

Here it is said Avni.

Did you mix anything in this ask neil.

Avni get shock.

Why Would  i mix anything in your drink.. If you don't trust me then don't drink said Avni.

I Don't to why but i unable to believe you said neil.

Fine throw it said avni.

Why Would i throw it.. it is an expensive drink said Neil.

Avni look on.

You drink it said neil.

Avni get shock.

What ask Avni.

Why me ask Avni nervously.

Why are you nervous if yoy haven't done anything wrong ask neil.

I am not nervous.

Then drink it said neil and hand over the class to Avni.

Avni hold the glass and stare it.

Come on drink said Neil.

Hmmm said Avni.

Neil make Avni drink it forcefully.

Good said neil.

Avni feel dizzy.

Neil come close to Avni and hold her.

Neil said Avni.

What do you think i am crazy that i won't understand your trick thinks neil and smirks.

Neil took Avni to bedroom and make her lay on bed and about to go.

Avni hold Neil hand.

Dont go said Avni and get off from bed.

Avni caress Neil face.

You are so handsome but too rude said Avni in drunk state.

What said Neil in anger.

ohh this anger...You think i am scared of you.. You can torture as much as you want but i wont leave you because you are mine said Avni and laugh

neil get irritate.

Sleep said Neil in anger.

I am not feeling sleeping said Avni putting her arms around his neck.

Leave me said neil.. Trying to get off her hands from him.

Why are you so upset from me said Avni.

Neil look on.

Ohh i know why you are angry  because i left you but that was my compulsion said avni.

Neil get shock.

What do you mean ask Neil.

I love you neil khaana said Avni.

What did you do say ask neil.

I love you said Avni.

What did you say before ask neil.

Avni laugh.

Now why are you laughing ask neil.

because I have a secret said Avni.

What secret ask Neil.

Shhh i can't tell you said Avni.

Neil get irritated.

God knows what the hell is she saying but this is right chance for me to find out more about her and vidyuth said neil to himself.

Neil make Avni sit on bed.

You love me right said neil.

Avni nods.

So you will answer my question with full honesty said neil.

Ok said Avni.

Do you love vidyuth ask neil.

No said Avni.

Then why are you living with him ask neil.

Because i love you said Avni.

What ask neil.

Say na you love me also ask avni.

Avni hugs neil tightly.

Neil recall his moments with Avni and hug her back.

I am sorry. I know i have hurt you said Avni.

Neil tears drop from his eyes.

Avni was about to kiss Neil but neil recall Avni betrayal and move back.

I think you should sleep said Neil and goes to his bar.

Neil drink alcohol thinking about Avni.

Avni doesn't love vidyuth then why is she living with him thinks neil.

Next Morning..

Avni feel dizzy.

Good Morning sweetheart said neil.

What are you doing here ask Avni.

You are asking this said neil.

What do you mean ask Avni.

what did you think that i wont know that You have mix pills in my drink said neil.

Avni get shock.

What Happened last night ask Avni.

ohh please Don't give so much importance to yourself.. Nothing happened but if you want something can happen tonight said neil and smirk.

Ohh just shut up said Avni.

By the way you are still smitten by my charm said neil and winks.

Avni look on.

Neil goes.

What does he said thinks Avni.

At cafe.

Vidyuth come to meet Neil.

Why did you call me here ask vidyuth.

Do you love Avni ask neil.

Of course i do said vidyuth.

It Doesn't seem to be.. You sell your wife to me said neil.

It was my compel.. We still love each other said vidyuth.

Neil laugh.

Nice joke said neil.

Mind you said vidyuth.

What if i tell you that i will take away your wife said neil.

Vidyuth get shock.

Chapter ends..

precap: neil get to know that vidyuth don't love adiza.. Neil agrees to marry nora.

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