Chapter 2: Festus

Start from the beginning

"Isn't that where we're going right now?" Ron pointed out. "But there was this really cool announcement about the Triwizard Tournament!"

"The Tri-what?" Leo and Harry said together.

"The Triwizard Tournament is this tournament between three schools," Hermione explained. "It hasn't been done in a century because people kept dying . . . but they've started it back up. Hogwarts is going to be the host. Beaxbatons and Durmstrang are coming in October. You enter, and then a board is going to pick a person from each school to compete in three tasks that test their skills."

Leo gasped. "Why can't I go here? I mean come on this school is awesome. Are you guys gonna enter?"

Harry shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe."

"We can't," Hermione said. "Only students seventeen or older can enter. Dumbledore says it's too dangerous for anyone else."

"It's rubbish if you ask me," Ron said, shrugging. Leo nodded in agreement. "Ready to go?" He said looking over at Harry. "Leo, are you coming? Calypso?"

"I think I'm going to stay here with Hermione," Calypso said. "I don't want to get in trouble when everyone's being so nice in letting us stay here." She looked over at Leo. "You're not going, right, Leo?" She glared at him.

"Uh . . ." Leo looked between Harry, Ron, and Calypso. "You know, we'll be under that cloak thing, so . . . uh . . . I think it will okay." He smiled and laughed nervously. "See you later?"

Calypso glared at him and huffed. "Fine, but if you get in trouble and we get kicked out, just remember that it's all your fault."

Leo, Harry, and Ron quickly slipped the cloak over them and left the common room.

"This is difficult-OUCH!-that was my foot!" Leo breathed as they shuffled down the corridor.

Going down the stairs was the most difficult as the staircases kept changing and threatening to throw the cloak askew. Leo was sure his leg had been uncovered at least twice.

Finally, the three made it outside, and they switched places so Leo could be in the front to guide the way.

"This way," he said, pointing.

As the boys got closer to where Leo, Calypso, and Festus had crashed, they started to hear metal creaking.

"Festus, buddy, it's us," Leo called. "Stay where you are buddy, we're coming!" Leo was worried about Festus. He didn't do well on his own, and who knew what kind of things were out here.

"Wh-what is that?!" Ron pointed toward the giant crater ahead of them. Something was sticking out of it. "I-Is that a dragon?!"

"A mechanical dragon actually," Leo said, matter-of-factly. "His name is Festus. He lost all his legs in the crash, but I think he's okay. He's pretty tough."

As if in response, Festus made a happy grunt. Harry and Ron hesitated.

"He-He won't bite, right?" Harry asked nervously.

Leo laughed. "Festus is the sweetest dragon you could ever meet." Festus huffed unhappily.

Ron and Harry stepped forward, timidly. Soon, Harry, Ron, and Leo were laughing and petting Festus like he was a little puppy.

"So you need tools to fix him?" Ron asked as he patted Festus's head.

"Yeah. I don't know how long it will take to fix him. The only thing I know is that I have to reattach his legs. For all I know, his engine could be slowly poisoning him." Festus squeaked in fear. "It's okay, buddy, I'm doubt that's the case." But Leo wasn't sure. That crash had been pretty rough, and the last time he crashed like that, Festus busted into a million pieces.

The next morning, Harry, Ron, Leo, Hermione, and Calypso went down to the Great Hall together for breakfast.

"Ooh, this looks delicious!" Calypso said. She didn't have a lot of good food on Ogygia.

As they were finishing, Professor Dumbledore walked up to them.

"Pardon me, children, but I was wondering if I may talk to Mr. Leo and Ms. Calypso in my office after they have finished their breakfast." He smiled. "I hope you are enjoying it?"

"Oh, it's lovely, thank you," Calypso beamed.

The kids finished eating, and stood to part ways.

"Um . . . where is Dumbledore's office?" Calypso asked Hermione.

"Oh! I'll show you." Hermione gestured to the right. "Come on. It's pretty close. I have to pass the entrance to get to my next class."

Hermione led Leo and Calypso to a spiral staircase. In the middle was a statue of a golden eagle with its wings spread out.

"This leads up to Dumbledore's office." Hermione smiled. "I'll see you guys later!"

Leo and Calypso began to climb, but halfway up, they found they couldn't move any farther.

As they tried in vain to push forward, they heard a voice behind them.

"Sherbert lemon." It was a man's voice, but it was deeper than Harry, Ron, or Dumbledore's. They turned around to see the frightening man they had seen sitting next to Dumbledore the night before. One of his eyes was looking at him, while the other was looking busily above them, towards Dumbledore's office.

"Name's Moody. Now stop gawking and get a move on!"

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