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I didn't take the five million Mora. 

I'd gotten something or someone that's far more than currency. However, my feet carried me back to my mission. To walk this world in search for this foolish sister of mine. To slap her awake and silly from her nightmare. 

I had told Ningguang that she didn't owe me anything and if ever I required her assistance, I'd call for her again. Paimon, being under her company for three weeks made me chuckle at her newfound appearance. Geez, she looked like she came out of the hot springs and accomplished everything there is to master about the universe. I assumed Ningguang had a way with children or food for that matter.

"Tossing out proverbs a kid would say doesn't sound too intelligent in my ears, Paimon. Cut it out," I karate-chopped her forehead. Her then monk-like image vanished and the old Paimon came back with that crown of hers.

"How was your short vacation with Ganyu? Did you guys have a lot of fun while Paimon was away?" I playfully pushed Paimon. 

I did. More than I expected.

"Don't go sulking on me that we didn't invite you. You were growling at me to stay away from your precious honey bu-"

"Yeah, about that... Paimon's tired of them." 

It's funny but I wanted to see Ganyu again. We waved each other farewell just this morning. There was something about her smile that made me want to run up to her and give her a big hug and for a minute I saw some vitality in her eyes before it left. 

I saw a lot of sides to her during those three weeks. I might've seen her naked one time when she bathed in a river but that was a slight mistake on my part. I was exploring the forest, collecting Matsutake and Sunsettias until her bare body came into view.

Naturally, I didn't tell her anything. An arrow going through my head did not bode well with me.

The spot on my left was where Ganyu usually was. I could still remember the absurdity of Ningguang's proposal. Now that left spot felt empty and it didn't feel right for Paimon to be taking that left spot. I wanted her on the right.  I mean it was obvious I have feelings for Ganyu, The days and nights where I used her lap as a sleeping pillow, talking to her as she smiled from above me with understanding. The stars leaping fast like our hearts. 

I didn't want these feelings to be transient. And I hoped Ganyu felt the same. 

I heard her and I pretended not to.

Maybe I am too sentimental for my own good. I really am downright terrible.

"Paimon," I gathered the attention of my floating companion since day one. "I have to make a quick stop at someone's place. You okay being alone for a few minutes?"

"Paimon endured three weeks. What's a few minutes?" 

"Thanks, let's go eat another new recipe when I'm back." 

I ran, challenging time itself. The people of Liyue were treasures of the historical and modern era. They were competitive and voluble in their language but at this point, I thought of them as obstacles I needed to get past. The streets were unexpectedly crowded and yet I didn't care.

Because I knew where I was going and she would be there, writing away of the world and her business. 

No longer could I shun my feelings. I'd slept like a log on her lap but truthfully I wanted to bring down her head and kiss her that time. It was pretty dumb at that moment to think of but in retrospect, maybe that would've been the best memory both of us could have made.

Her office was empty. The windows were in a state of opaqueness. The nibbling sounds of wood and cement rung in my ears at the dwarf-like serenity. She wasn't here? 

An idea then hit me. I mustered up more energy into my feet and stormed out to the very first place where I thought her to be extremely beautiful. 

"You're here..." I panted. I'm used to running but never for reasons like this. Perhaps my heart was unprepared for one like her. It was accustomed to battles, conflict, anything that seeps with violence. Looking at her smile tripled the beats. I was certain to pass out.

Mt. Tianheng. The place Cloud Retainer suggested where to look for her. She was right here against that very same tree again, the sunlight pecking her skin and making her give a radiant feeling of hope. 

"We just bid farewell to each other this morning," Ganyu stood from her sitting position. "What brings you here? Is it another three-week vacation?"

I wish. Sadly, I'm booked for another schedule. 

I took her hand, bringing her close to my heart. I made sure she could feel it against her own. She did tell me the world owned a heart and it was possible to feel seismic vibrations as evidence. Then I locked her in a caring embrace, one that I felt like doing to her every single day in our vacation. She didn't really want me doing that but now, she was staying still, a pitch of breath escaped her lips as my ears heard her. Her arms hesitantly touch my back, getting closer, moving closer, taking in my scent.

I took out a Glaze Lily bringing it closer to our chests, wholeheartedly accepting the beauty she possessed alongside an elegant and ancient flower. "If I told you to believe in me to return for you, would you?"

She didn't say anything, looking back and forth from the flower to me. Her lips pursed, one hand on her chest. "I..." 

She wasn't meant to be alone. She always has a place. In Liyue and with me.

"I love you too, Ganyu." 

She inched away this time, her arms blocking me from hugging her again. "I wouldn't want to impose myself on you... You're... not from this world, are you?"

"I'm not," I said. "But that doesn't mean I can't stay." 

"You told me you were going to go home with your sister once you save her... Is that a lie? All of the things you're saying right now are only for convenience?"

"NO!" How could she say this was only for convenience? "I really do genuinely... uh-"

Well it took all my heart to say I love her. Saying it twice now would sound so... Never mind...

"I love you! Don't think of anything else! There's no hidden motive! It's just that! Take it or leave it!" LEAVE IT? I was really inflicting harm to myself! 

This relationship would probably bear no fruit. Ganyu was tied to Liyue and she wouldn't go anywhere else. I still love her. Maybe I can wave to her and talk to her about stuff I'll see out there. Visit her if I could under the pretense I was fine. 

Ha. If I can't even get a woman to listen to my feelings, then how would I bring my sister back?

"I-I'm scared to take it. What if one day you'll be gone?" 

"Focus on me now. Don't focus on the what-ifs." 


"Ganyu, you said you love me, right?"

"H-heh?! So... you heard?"

"I can't promise you anything but I do promise that I sincerely love you too." 

"H-how many times are you going to say it?"

She was wide open. So, I hugged her again, hiding my face near her neck as I closed my eyes. "As many times as it takes for you to believe it!"

Come what may. At the end of this journey, I'll make sure some things will and will not happen. 

Her shoulders shook and I could hear her chuckles against my collar bone. Then she revealed her tears to me with a smile on her face.

"You really are a fool, Aether."

Just like that night with the Naganohara fireworks, our smiles and hearts were one.


Happiness (Aether x Ganyu) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now