Chapter two

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Saeri didn't really think much of the interaction she had earlier. Until,
"I heard boys are on the opposite rooms "Mina says.

"Yea and we will be meeting them for the first time tomorrow "Ahyeon replies

"I am excited! Heard Yang Jungwon, Park Jongseong, Sim Jaeyun, I mean basically all the popular names are participating"Suhyeon replies.

"I had met some of them once ,my god they are stunning" Yoojeong says.

Saeri thought of Yang Jungwon, his big boba eyes. His pale skin and perfect little face. She couldnt deny that the guy was good looking, not to stereotype but she always had a different image of him.
But he turned out the complete opposite,
"What a shocker" She mumbled .

"Did you say something Saeri?"Ahyeon asked

"Oh? Nothing "She replied

"OK girls,let's go to sleep. We have a long journey in front of us"


It was already the next day and it was 6 in the morning.
All the girls were lined up in a hall patiently waiting as someone enters

"All right girls,I am Grace Kim and I will be your mentor for the upcoming weeks. I wholeheartedly welcome you all " A women who looks like she is in her 40s exclaimed.

Grace Kim, she was a well renowned named. She had won many trophies nationally and internationally. Saeri admired her alot, as a kid too she used to find herself watching Grace Kim performance videos. It was like a dream come true to be standing anywhere near her.

"Ma'am?" Someone knocked on the door.
The person peeked as all of them looked towards the door.

"The boys are here"The man said as Ms.Kim a.k.a Ms,Grace signals him.

The foor was wide open with another World known personality,Jaehon Lee coming inside and greets Ms.Kim along with us. Along with him, about 22 guys follow right behind him.

Some people stood out to Saeri. Obviously there was Yang Jungwon and also Park Sunghoon, a national figure skater who she had only seen on tvs. She didn't really expect him to be there but she had expected someone else to be here, Nishimura Riki. For people like her,who were always into dancing, Riki wasn't a new name. He had worked with the biggest kpop stars, was popular as a dancer all over Asia and also fell into the category of an elite. She had even heard somewhere that Jungwon ,Riki, Park Sunghoon all were best friends.

Yang Jungwon too looks around the room to spot her,
'That girl from yesterday'
He grins and digs his pocket. He takes out the wallet while looking at her,
'How can she misplace her wallet?'

"I am here only for the competition!I am here only for the competition!I am here only for the competition!" Saeri hears Mina mumble to herself.

"Mina? You good?" She asks.

"Yea I am just reminding myself that I am here to participate in the competition and not fall for anyone" Mina replies while Saeri just looks at her nodding.

"Oh , good luck with that " She replies.

After some time the atmosphere in the room was quiet loose as everyone started talking within themselves.
"What are you guys confident in?"Suhyeon asked the girls.

"Me? Sports or should I say basketball" Mina replies while Yoojeong adds,
"I would say I am pretty good in badminton too", Yoojeong replies

"I go to debates alot so I guess? That's my speciality?" Ahyeon too says

"Hmm,I would say that I kind of do every bit of everything so I don't really have one"Suhyeon continues,
"What about you Saeri?"

"I am confident in academics "Saeri answers as they all nod their heads.

"OK!time out everyone"The Mc announces as we all gather around him.

"Since today is only the first day,our introduction session ends here. You guys can have fun today and make yourself ready for the next day" The Mc continues as he dismisses everyone.

Everyone starts walking outside the room as some other girls begin to surround a group .

"Why are they blocking the way " Mina says as the girls squeeze their way out.
"must be Yang Jungwon and his friends" Suhyeon adds while they finally take a breath of relief.

"Finally we made it out"Ahyeon says as we all chuckle.

"HEY YOU" We hear someone shouting.

Thinking that it would probably not be one of the five girls,they walk further.

"YAH" The voice raises louder as the girl finally look back to find people staring at them.
It was Yang Jungwon calling out for someone.

Upon finding the girl looking back Yang Jungwon tugged one of his hand inside his pocket while walking towards her. His other hand had the wallet Saeri picked up yesterday.

"Isn't this yours?" He asks as she could feel all the attention on her.

"It isn't mine" She replies

"I saw you dropping it yesterday while running. Wait,
Did you steal this?" He asks as everyone gasps

"What? No? Why would I?" She asks

"It looks like it though,I mean.
You were running yesterday,with someone else's wallet."He says while still swinging the wallet.

"I told you I didn't steal" She remarks

"That's what a thief would say" He adds again but this time deeply staring into her eyes

"Dont just assume things" She says staring back.

"I am not, everyone in my situation would've thought so" He says as she couldn't even answer back.

She didn't want to explain some guy she had just met about how she saw a random man dropping his wallet and when she followed him she dropped the wallet. Who would've believed her?

"See ,this is the first day. Let's not spread rumors" She says

"Oh?" Jungwon tilts his head, with now both of his hands on the front pocket of his pants
"You aren't denying it now?" He says smirking

"You wouldn't believe me anyway", Saeri replies

That's true"He nods lowering his look

"So how about we leave each other alone ,Yang Jungwon-sshi?" She suggests while walking away .

"Hey you!" Jungwon calls for her again

"What?" She replies

"I didnt get your name? You know my name,I should know yours too. We need to be on the same level" He says

"You will find out "Saeri says while walking out of the scene

Jungwon chuckles while looking at the girl walking away.

"Dude that was a smooth way of flirting with someone" Someone pats his back, Heeseung

"What flirting? It was no flirting"Jungwon replies to his defense

"Tsk no, you guys definitely had some chemistry"Niki teases

"Dont get weird ideas,I am just here to win.
Nothing else"Jungwon says as his frnds nod

"And we are here because you forced us to" The remaining six add laughing while they all head back

𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏//𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚠𝚘𝚗Where stories live. Discover now