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As Tae march out of the living room upset, They continue laughing, And namjoon accidentally stumble to a table qith taes book, making a lous thud, Jin. was in the ground lauguing forgetting the fact that tae catch them making out, Namjoon stand up picking the objects that was in the floor and look at the books, He was curious that he stop laughing and read the head line of book. ' The chosen one' , He open the book at only saw nothing but a circle and some kind of language namjoon cant understand, everyone look at him noticing his silence.
"Whats wrong Joon?" Yoongi ask, namjoon is still thinking about the words, he ckose the book and look at the other one, It have some weird writing on it, he frowned opening the book and hisblood run cold dropping the book, Jin rush to him and held him, Jungkook pick the book and open it only to see, A boy being eaten by someone( not like in your mind kids), he flip to the next page and seeing a family photo, There wearing a smug look, shiver run to his spine, but then the door burst wide open revealing a panting taehyung, Taes eyes shot to jungkook.
"Drop the book now!" He shouted making jungkook frowned, jungkook flip to the next page and saw a picture of a mermaid and a octopus, and the other a black smoke chocking a poor warrior, he flip to the next and saw a big mess, blood and died angels and demons, But tae pull the book to his chest.
"Give me the book taehyung" Jungkook said but tae shoock his head.
"Taehyung where did you find that book?" Namjoon ask, tae look at him.
"At the library" Tae said.
"Stop lying taehyung!" Namjoon shouted.
"Im telling truth hyung! And dont yoy dare shout cause we just meet few days ago!" Tae said but Jisoo come to him snatching the book out of his grip, Jimin was able to stop tae from grabing his sister by accident.
"Give me that back!!" Tae said tears forming to taes eyes, everyone didnt losten and explore the book more, Jisoo and Amu were frozen and shivering, Namjoon check the book more.
"As far as i know tae, this book is not from here, now tell us where-" Namjoon were cutted by Taehyung, His eyes flickered deep blue and back to normal, i swear everyone saw that.
"OK! I admit it! But urs in the library i promise! I found a underground pool and i take a swim and found that, Now are you all happy huh?!" Tae said, everyone notice something in taes wrist, the shell bracelet glowing green.
"And that?" Jisoo ask still terrified about the pictures.
"I just foubd ut and wear it, its not a big deal anyway, just give me that book!" Tae said struggling to jimins grip.
"Dont think if escaping my hug tae" Jimin said but seconds later he was thrown in the couch bouncing, The snatch one of the book but namjoon stop him.
" dont think about stupud things taehyung" Namjoon warned and tae nod looking down, he rush to his room locking the door, he flop in the bed tears staining his rosy cheecks, Tae look at the ceiling.
"Why am i acting like that towards them?" Tae ask to him self.
"Faith it is tae" Lucy said Mari beside her, tae look at them.
"I dont want to be rude but something is saying to be" Tae said sobbing, his crying was interrupted by a knick of the door.
"Baby? Its me kookie" Jungkook said.
"Kookie?" Tae said, Lucy and mari smiled signaling tae to open and welcome his lover, Tae stod up and go to the door, unlocking it and peaking his head showing his eyes only, Jungkook chuckle to his boyfriends behavior.
"Can i come in baby?" He ask and tae open the door wide and cling to his lover, Legs secure to kooks waist, his arms cling to kooks neck and nuzzle his face to jungkooks neck inhaling his scent, Jungkook giggle securing his arms to taes waist.
"I didnt mean to shout" tae mumble but enough to jungkook.
"I know baby, whats wrong?" He ask and tae stay silent, Jungkook carry tae to his bed cuddling his lover.
"Its just, too much info in one day kookie" Tae said, Jungkook nod caressing his lovers back in circle.
"But tae, you said earlier thatyou found the book in the bottom of the pool, how did you get it?" Jungkook ask and tae giggle.
"I swim obviously kookie" He said planting kitty kiss to jungkooks neck, the other growl in the process massaging the thick flesh of his lover.
"But when you came your dry" Jungkook said.
"I dont know kookie, but i was still curious about namjoon and jin hyung" Tae said making jungkook chuckle
"Your too innocent to know that thing tae" jungkook said.
"You know kookie, what will Jisoo and Ami unnie think about us? Would they be angry?" Tae ask, jungkook stay silent, Cause he know angel and demons are different, there personality, and in other ways, he think what would they do? Well i mean Jin and namjoon already did it, but its the other story when it comes to them, its too much.
"I dont know tae, but all i know is i love you" Jungkook said comforting the younger.
"I love you too kookie" Tae said, Jungkook was still confused, but he let it slide, They cuddle shrung the warm and didnt notice that they drifted to dream land.
"Is it odd that, tae said he dound the book in the bottow of the pool but his dry" Jin said making everyone nod in agreement.
"Let him explain if its time" Jisoo said.
"And i didnt know tae is up to that kind of things, i need some more research" Namjoon said exiting the room.
"But i still cant get over when tae caught you two having seggs" Ami said teasing jin who is now 50 shade of red.
"Yahhh we didn't knew he was there!" Jin defends but it only make them tease more, not knowing someone from a far witha burning gaze is watching.

'Youll be mine again, just you wait a little bit longer my love'

(Double update cause why not?)

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