"YO your face wasahsjdn-" Imani couldn't even finish her sentence, ree just looking at us like we lost our minds

"so what IN your right mind thought that was a good idea?" he asks well his arm are still cross

"That shit was so funny man" Imani saying calming down from her laugh

"It wasn't that funny Imani" ree says looking away from me to Imani

"if you saw the face you made you would have thought that shit was funny as hell also I seen yu trying to hide your laugh don't think yo ass is slick" ree did a little laugh because he know it was true

ree was about to say something but the school bell rang I look at Imani to see if she was ready to go she nods ree and her do their regular kiss on cheek goodbye thing

"When do I get cheek kiss privilege" I ask pretending to be sad

"NEVER because you ain't me" I look at ree and he nods

"I guess I will get a different type of kissing privilege then" I look him up and down when we lock eyes I wink at him, he starts blushing getting all shy but he doesn't leave my eyes

"boi lets go before yu make my best friend all wet and shiii" I shake my head before turning around walking to our class

*time skip to lunch yeah ikik I don't want to hear it*

"soooo ree there is a party tomorrow" Imani says

"no, you already know the answer" ree said not even looking away from his phone

"BUT ree you never come PLEASE" Imani begs

"what party?" I ask wondering

"in my cheer, this girl haves random-ass party but they be big as hell and every time I try to bring ree BUT AS ALWAYS he says no" Imani explains I just nod

"Imani I won't even have anything to wear even if I do go" he finally looks up from his phone looking at Imani

"We can go to the mall after this I don't got practice do you?" I look at Imani "Nah and congratulation on making it even tho I already knew yu was finna make it"

"I got class after this"

"ree your grades are hella good you can skip this one time"

"BUt ImAni" he whines out

he looks at me and I just shrug my shoulders he groans "ok but I'm going to class I will just leave early" Imani looks so shocked that he agreed it made me laugh she looks at me to say

"nigga I think Jesus sent you" ree shakes his head "so when I'm done with class me and Imani will go drop by my house to change because if I'm going to the mall I'm not looking like this then we will head to Imani's house where you going to pick us up at"

"oh what happed to 'im not bossy'" I say chuckling

"I'm not bossy luv" he says smiling ugh his smile is beautiful the bell ring we get up heading out the lunchroom he says bye before walking to his class

"wanna hang out in my car" I ask Imani and she says yes

a couple of minutes pass of us just chilling in my car and her non-stopping showing me TikTok's but at some point, she turns her phone off looking at me

"you like my best friend huh" she squints her eyes at me, I just shrug my shoulders because I don't know he is sexy as hell and his personality is amazing the way he will rant about one topic over and over then catch himself also how he tries to hide that he's looking at me in class but he ain't the best at trying to be sneaky also when he's mad his mouth will form a pout in second period Imani was making fun of his drawing and all he could do is pout I wanted to take his lips into mines not going to lie to you

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