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Beyonce pov: 

I hate spending the weekend at my dad's. He always wants to chill or go out when really I just wanna play my game and go to 'work' .

For some odd reason I'm not allowed in his basement. He acts like I'm not 18. He keeps it locked three different ways. I try to ignore it but I cant. I pulled up and dreaded the moment already.

"Hey kiddo want to mabey go out" he said with a unreadable expression.

"No I'm fine probably gonna take a nap" I responded.

"Ok well I'll be gone later I have to go visit a friend" he says like he was nervous or something.

I walked upstairs to my room and showered after that i turned on hrs & hrs 1 hour loop. I turned my led lights to red my favorite color. I lit a candle and slipped on my ethika set with my black socks.

"BYE KIDDO IN LEAVING" my dad yelled. And I heard the door.

About 15 minutes later I went downstairs and heard crying in the basement. I thought I was tripping because I could've swore I was hone alone.

I grabbed my gun from upstairs and went towards the basement door. Only to hear crying. I didn't have a key but I had a Bobby pin.

After picking the locks I slowly and quietly made my way downstairs. My dad's basement was very spacious and had 1 lightbulbs and a door to another room.

I went to the door and opened it and what I saw made me drop my gun.

There was a girl with chains on her ankles. She looked to be at least my age. She was naked with bruises and cuts on her. She stopped crying when she looked at me.

"P-Please dont hurt me"she said with fear laced in her voice.

"I wont but what's your name and why are you here" I asked sill in shock.

"O-onika and the man that lives here kidnapped me. His friends have been raping and hitting me , please help." She said crying and breaking down.

I was just in shock at my father I didnt know who he was anymore.

"Uhh he dosnt get back untill 10:00" I say it was 7:22

"Please help I wont say anything I promise" she pleaded

"How old are you" I asked.

"17" she said quickly. I took the knife I had and undid her ankles.

When she tried to get up she immediately passed out. I caught her before she fell and carried her up to my bathroom in my room. I ran a warm bath because her body was cold.

"Hey, hey wake up" I said trying to get her to regain consciousness.
Her eyes opened slowly.

"Hey I'm gonna get you out of here" I said. After she got cleaned i saw her face. Man she was gorgeous. Her hair was long and full. She was short but had a body like a model. I noticed she almost started crying because I was staring.

"Hey I'm sorry in i made you uncomfortable" I quickly apologized.

She stayed silent.

I gave her a hoodie and sweatpants. Untill we got to my house. I packed everything I had at this man's house and left. Onika sat in the passenger seat with tears in her eyes.  I pulled into my driveway and turned off the car. I stared at onika.

She looked scared honestly. I got put and went to her side and hoped her door. She looked up at me in fear. I took her in my house along with everything thing else. I took her into the guest bedroom next my my room.

"If you need anything I'll be right in here your gonna stay with me ok?" I said and she nodded.

I took her into her room and pretty much gave her a tour.

"You need clothes dont you" I asked and she nodded

I'll get her some tonight and everything else she needs.

"Ok well if you comfortable I'll leave you alone. " I said and she just nodded.

I left into my room texting  one of my guys from the trap a detailed text on what to get for her. He said he'd deliver it by tomorrow.

What am i going to do with her?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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